This ZIP file contaings the following files. WCMOBYDN.BAT WCMOBYUP.BAT MOBYDOWN.BAT MOBYUP.BAT Be sure and add the following line to your CAT.BAT file as the first line, as WildCat uses this log file to determine which files have been uploaded or downloaded. SET DSZLOG=C:\WC30\WCWORK\NODEx\DSZ.LOG The files MOBYUP & MOBYDOWN should be copied into the QMPRO directory. The files WCMOBYUP & WCMOBYDN should be copied into the WC30 directory. You may rename them with any name you desire. Once the above is accomplished you must configure WildCat with Makewild or the Configuration menu with QMPRO and use the exact same names that you have assigned to the above batch files. When adding the external protocols to either one of the programs you might use "M" for the letter representing this protocol in the selections menu. It appears that "M" for MobyTurbo, is quite prevailant on the BBS's I've used. I hope these files will provide the help needed when properly installing Zmoden with MobyTurbo as an external protocol. If you have any questions regarding these installations, feel free to contact me via my BBS. THE MOBYMAN BBS c/o SYSOP-MOBYMAN (813) 688-5560