NODEISUP is a simple utility that sets a node to "Waiting for calls." This allows nodes that go 'down' due to the use of a front-end mailer to show as operational when callers choose the "Who's on-line" option. NODEISUP.EXE must be located in the DOS path, or called specifically with it's full path location. The choice is yours! Usage is: NODEISUP [WC Home Path] Example: NODEISUP C:\WC30 Run NODEISUP from your front-end mailer batch file. It would be best to run NODEISUP just before you load/reload your mailer, but anywhere is fine as long the WCNODEID is SET (if necessary). NODEISUP uses the WCNODEID variable to determine which node to set to "Waiting for calls." If this variable isn't set, NODEISUP will use the default Node ID set via MakeWild! DISCLAIMER Although I have had extremely successful operation with NODEISUP, I cannot, and do not, accept any responsibilty for any harm which may result from your use/misuse of this program. Other Utilities: ZERO4ROM - 0 Byte file maker which uses ALLFILES.DAT to create the files. Chuck Warren p.s. My system is currently off-line, but I read the WILDCAT ECHO daily and could be reached through there if necessary.