WILDCAT! v3.5 Display Codes ----- Codes from User Database ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ACCBAL@ - User's current account balance @ADDR1@ - User's first address line @ADDR2@ - User's second address line @ALIAS@ - User's alias name @BDATE@ - User's birthdate @CALLS@ - User's calls to system @COMPANY@ - User's company name @CONF@ - User's current conference @CPU@ - User's CPU type @DATA@ - User's data phone number @DAYBYTES@ - User's daily download K-bytes @DOWNK@ - User's total download K-bytes @DOWNS@ - User's total number of downloads @EXDATE@ - User's expiration date @FIRST@ - User's first name @FROM@ - User's location @KBLEFT@ - User's remaining K-bytes they can download today @LASTNEW@ - User's last [N]ew files search @LASTON@ - User's last call Date/Time @LEFT@ - User's time remaining this call @MEMO@ - User's memo date @MEMO1@ - User's comment field #1 @MEMO2@ - User's comment field #2 @MSGSLEFT@ - Number of messages user has entered @MLEVEL@ - User's current menu level @NETBAL@ - User's net-mail account balance @PHONE@ - User's voice phone number @PROTOCOL@ - User's default protocol @SEC@ - User's security profile @SINCE@ - User's date of first login @TIMEON@ - User's time on system this call @UPK@ - User's total upload K-bytes @UPS@ - User's total number of uploads @USER@ - User's full name @ZIP@ - User's ZIP code ----- Codes from User Security Profile ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @DLKLIMIT@ - User's max daily download K-bytes limit ---+---- Same thing per @MAXDK@ - Maximum allowed download K-bytes ----------+---- tech support @MAXDL@ - Maximum downloads possible per day @MAXRATIO@ - Maximum upload/download ratio ----- Codes from System ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @BAUD@ - Baud rate for current node @BBS@ - Name of the BBS @BELL@ - Causes caller's speaker to beep @CLS@ - Clears display screen @CONFOP@ - Full name of the conference SysOp @DATE@ - Current date @EXPDAYS@ - Days until user expires (calculated from EXPDATE) @LASTCALL@ - Last call to this node Date/Time @NODE@ - Node number @NODE###@ - Node status text. Replace the ### with a three-digit node number, padded with leading zeroes if necessary - @NODE001@ @NOPAUSE@ - Makes current display file not pause @NOSTOP@ - Makes current display file unstoppable @PAUSE@ - Forces a -Pause- prompt @PREVON@ - Full name of previous caller for this node @STOP@ - Makes screen stoppable @SYSOP@ - Full name of BBS SysOp @TCALLS@ - Total calls to system @TFILE@ - Total # files available on system @TIME@ - Current time @TMSG@ - Total # msgs available on system @TUSER@ - Total # users on the system @VER@ - WILDCAT! version number @IFSEC=PROFILE@ @ELSE@ @ENDIF@