Using Logitech Mice with AUTOCAD 4/15/92 For the Logitech MOUSEMAN SERIAL mouse, all Logitech BUS mice and all Dexxa mice, use the following setup: 1] Install ACAD with the Microsoft Bus or Serial Mouse selection. Be sure to load the DOS mouse driver (MOUSE.COM or MOUSE.SYS) before running ACAD. The proper scaling factors for bus mice and the MouseMan are as follows: Slow Motion Factor: 10 Fast Motion Factor: 15 Fast Motion Threshold: 1 or 2 NOTE: Since the Microsoft Bus or Serial Mouse selection causes AutoCad to use the resident mouse driver, this selection will work for ALL Logitech mice (as long as MOUSE.COM or MOUSE.SYS is loaded). AutoCad (versions 9 and above) can support three buttons with Logitech SERIES 9 SERIAL mice and the SERIES 7 SERIAL mice all serial mice except MouseMan) in one of two ways: 1] Install ACAD with the Logitech Logimouse C7 selection, and DO NOT load the mouse driver. 2] Install ACAD with the Logitech Logimouse R5, R7 selection and load the mouse driver at 9600 baud (either at the command line with MOUSE 9600 or by loading CLICK after MOUSE in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file). The proper scaling factors for both selections are as follows: Fast Motion Factor: 10 Fast Motion Threshold: 1 or 2 NOTE: Earlier version of AutoCAD offered three button support for Series 9 and Series 7 mice. The selection was for LOGITECH LOGIMOUSE. When using this selection, the command MOUSE 9600 must be used (as in option 2 above). For Logitech PS/2 mice (all models) use the following selection: 1] Install ACAD with the IBM PS/2 mouse selection.