Mouse Parameters for version 6.1: 4/22/92 Basic parameters for all mice: *Ballistic Effect* BHIGH- Sets the ballistic effect to high. BLOW- Sets the ballistic effect to low. BON- Turns the ballistic effect on. BOFF- Turns the ballistic effect off. *Sensitivity* S00-S10 - Set the degree of sensitivity for the mouse. (example MOUSE S06 or MOUSE S09) *Button Swap* SWAP- Toggles the left and right mouse button functionality. MSSWAP- Toggles the middle and right mouse button functionality. NOTE: For TrackMan Portable users, left button corresponds to top button and right button corresponds to the bottom button. *Status* ?- The status parameter displays the current mouse driver settings. *Number of Buttons* 2K- Sets the middle mouse button to act like a Left-Right button 3K- Sets the middle mouse button to act as a seperate button. *Cursor Enhancement* Cenhance- Loads cursor enhancements with default settings. NOTE: This parameter will only work when first loading the mouse driver. CSLOW- Sets text mouse cursor to blink slow. CFAST- Sets text mouse cursor to blink fast. COFF- Sets text mouse cursor not to blink. LCURSOR - Displays hardware text cursor with a rectangular block, and displays the graphics with a reverse video block. DCURSOR - Disables lcursor. TON- Displayed hardware and software text cursor with a tail. TOFF- Disables the tail. *Drag-Lock* DLEFT- Sets the left or top button for drag-lock. DRIGHT- Sets the right or bottom button for drag-lock. DNONE- Disables drag-lock. *Remove from Memory* OUT- Removes the mouse driver from memory. NOTE: If you use the OUT parameter, you must remove MOUSE, LOGIMENU, and CLICK in the reverse order that you load them. *Type* Note: These parameters will work only when first loading the mouse driver in memory. BUS- Forces the driver to look at the bus port. PS2- Forces the driver to look at the PS/2 port. SER- Forces the driver to look at the serial port. 1- Configures the mouse for COM port 1. 2- Configures the mouse for COM port 2. Mouse Driver Parameters for SERIAL MICE: NOTE: Parameters with a "C" in parenthesis will work with the Series 7 and 9 type mouse. Parameters with an "M" in parenthesis will work with Series M mice. Type MOUSE ? to find out which type of mouse is being used. *Report Rate* 10 (C)- Sets the report rate (signal per second from the mouse to the computer) to 10. 50 (C) - Sets the report rate to 50. 150 (C) - Sets the report rate to 150. *Baud Rate* 1200 (C)- Sets the report rate (information exchange rate between the mouse and the computer) to 1200. 2400 (C)- Sets the baud rate to 2400. 4800 (C)- Sets the baud rate to 4800. 9600 (C)- Sets the baud rate to 9600. *Protocol* MM (C)- Sets the protocol (data tranmission regulator) for MM Series mouse. 5b (C)- Sets the protocol for 5-byte packed binary. RE (C)- Sets the protocol for relative bit pad one. MI (M)- Sets the protocol to two-button Microsoft compatible three-byte format. MP (M)- Sets the protocol to three-button Microsoft compatible four-byte format. *Inital Settings* INIT- Resets the mouse driver (M) Cordless- Report 100, Baud 9600, Protocol MP. (M) - Report 100, Baud 1200, Protocol MP. (C)- Report 150, Baud 2400, Protocol MM.