NOTES ON DVCAL.COM Version 1.0 This is a calendar utility designed for DOS use, especially with DESQview. It is DV aware and uses DESQview's screen buffer. It uses int 16h, function 00h to wait for a key and DOES NOT use a polling loop. You may page-up or page-down through the months and years. Range: 1900 - 2021. ESC ends program I placed it in the upper left hand corner so that it can be put in a small DESQview box and then placed in any position on the screen. Selected DV parameters: Memory: 64k (or less) Writes directly to the screen: Y Uses its own colors: Y Runs in background: N Close on exit: [blank] Allow close-window command: N Starting height: 13 Starting width: 31 Initial mode: 3 Displays graphic information: N Virtualize text/graphics: T THIS PROGRAM IS FREE. I have no intention of ever upgrading this program in any regard. I have included the source code for general information and knowledge. Sorry, but the code is not as heavily notated as I usually like it. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may use this program as you wish and pass it along to anyone as long as the code is not modified in any way. I did not copy this code from any other source. It is completely of my own design. Any similarity to other calendar codes is strictly coincidental. Your comments are welcome. Miles Pawski CIS: 70473,527