25 July 1993 This is a very simple VB3 application to demonstrate one way of handling a dBase table. Probably it could be improved in many ways, as I've not been working with VB very long! To run it, you need Visual Basic version 3, Professional edition. Install the files into a directory called ADR on the C drive. If you install to a different path, you will need to change the code in a couple of places accordingly. The directory name is important as VB treats the directory name as the database container, equivalent to an MDB file in Access. One point of interest is the implementation of a PACK button on the form. VB does not support PACK directly. This routine creates a new table with the same specification as the existing one, copies the records across, deletes the old table, and renames the new one to the old name. I've tried to make the code as generic as possible - I'm aiming towards a reusable PACK procedure. The table is in dBASE IV format. Initially I wrote the app using FoxPro's format. Very little needs changing to adapt it. However, in both cases there is a problem: VB seems to do something strange when it recreates the MDX or CDX index file, which can prevent some other applications from opening it. I would very much like to know what it causing this. If you decide to make use of this application, please be warned that it has not been thoroughly tested, and should be treated as a "Beta" version. This software is copyright 1993 Tim Anderson. All comments etc to me: Tim Anderson CIS 100023,3154 or freer @ CIX.COMPULINK.CO.UK