--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disk No 312 The Apartment Renter --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Apartment Renter is a totally macro driven template that is designed to replace a `pegboard' type of accounting system that is used in many apart- ment complexes. The apartment manager needs to know very little about Lotus 1-2-3 because of the extensive use of macros. ------------ The Apartment Renter --------------------------------- FILES DESCRIPTION FILES TXT The file your now reading INFO BAT Information BAT file for the Apartment Renter NOTES TXT Notes file for the Apartment Renter READ ME Documentation file for the Apartment Renter APARTMEN WK1 The Apartment Renter template FreeBooter Software P.O. Box 19624 Portland, OR 97280 (503) 244-4800 Copyright 1988 - 1992 FreeBooter(tm) Software