Read me first (shareware release) --Documentation The documentation is online in the CZ.COM/CZ.HLP files. To get started just make sure CZ.HLP is in the current directory and load CZ: C>cz It can also be loaded high but make sure you have at least 15K of UMB space. It will load high in as little as 4.5K but will not operate correctly in UMB without at least 15K. Check out the Using_CZ in the TUTORIAL_INDEX--press Alt-F1 to hotkey into CZ. Press END (cursor moves to TUTORIAL_INDEX). Press ENTER. Move the cursor to under Starting_CZ. Press ENTER. Use the END/ENTER combo to continue until you get the idea. A mouse makes using CZ even easier. If you want to have a hardcopy of the CZ.HLP use the HLP2TXT.EXE program to strip off the header info. Load it into your favorite WP or text editor. This package is documentation/source-specific to DOS C compilers in that much of the source examples deal with using C. Because of this, this version is called BLTC17.ZIP. The BASIC-specific version is called BLTQ17.ZIP (available now). The BULLET.LIB files are identical, only the documentation differs. Note that BASIC version has several source examples that may be useful to the C programmer. (Archive extensions may vary.) --Installation BULLET comes with the BULLET.LIB in compressed form (BULLET.LI_). It must be installed using the INSTALL.EXE program. INSTALL performs one function: it decompresses BULLET.LI_ (to BULLET.LIB) and writes installation information to the BULLET.LIB file. It does nothing else. To install: C>install The installation process asks two questions and then decompresses the file so that BULLET.LIB is ready for use. BULLET.LIB is fully-functional and not crippled. You may use BULLET.LIB and the BULLET package for evaluation only and for an evaluation period not to exceed 21 days from the date of installation. BULLET.LIB works with just about every DOS compiler on the market. Check the !WHATIS.TXT file for more information. Also read the !Q&A.TXT file. Be sure to load up CZ, too. *************************************************************************** For Large and Huge model support for all Borland C/C++ compilers unzip the files in BORLAND.ZIP file. *************************************************************************** --Registration BULLET is a shareware product. This means that you may try BULLET during the evaluation period free of obligation. However, you may not use BULLET after this evaluation period without registering--you must purchase a license to use BULLET if you wish to continue to use BULLET or any programs produced with BULLET. See the !ORDER.FRM for ordering information, or use the following: Qty Extended BULLET, single-license (v1.07) . . . $79.95 x _____ = __________ Refer to the LICENSE AGREEMENT in CZ (under TUTORIAL_INDEX). subtotal: __________ (Texas residents only, add 8.25%) sales tax: __________ Shipping to all destinations is 0.00. shipping: __________ (For Next-Day Air shipment to U.S. destinations add $15) TOTAL: $ ========== *** 3.5-inch media will be used unless you request 5.25-inch. *** Send TOTAL amount in check or money order to: Cornel Huth 6402 Ingram Rd. SAN ANTONIO, TX 78238-3915 U.S.A. PRE-PAID purchase-orders accepted. Credit cards are _NOT_ accepted. International orders must supply a check drawn on a U.S. bank and payable in U.S. Dollars. No EuroChecks, etc. Also, ALL TEXT ON THE CHECK MUST BE IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. U.S. Currency (cash) is accepted but I recommend using registered mail in such cases. Always endorse your letter as "AirMail". --Upgrades and Updates, Site licensing All updates and upgrades are available from the support BBS free-of-charge. See the PRODUCT_SUPPORT heading under TUTORIAL_INDEX in CZ for more. Site licensing is available at reasonable rates. Contact me for details. --Distribution BBS Sysops may carry BULLET on their BBS provided that all files listed in the PACKLST.TXT file are included in the archive. This file must be provided free of charge, i.e., this file cannot placed in an area that requires users to pay a fee for per-file download. A general subscription fee BBS is exempt from this limitation, provided that no specific charge is assessed to this particular file. Shareware distributors/catalog vendors may carry BULLET on their inventory provided that the BULLET package be the only software on the diskette, that it be made clear that the purchase of the disk does not constitute purchase of the product, and that no charge greater than a reasonable amount for distribution services be charged (for example, not more than 5 dollars). In any case, the author of BULLET may at anytime request (and must be granted) that the BULLET package be no longer advertised/distributed in the vendors catalog and that within a reasonable time after request, advertising of BULLET will end (within 6 months and distribution will end immediately). (Basically, this means that you as a shareware vendor may include BULLET in your advertising/distributing but that that I, as the author and owner of BULLET, have the option of having you stop advertising/distributing BULLET, for whatever reason (such as it becoming a commercial product).)