IMPORT.EXE Version 2.6, Jan. 22, 1993 (C) Copyrite Sep 1991, Jack J. Chandler History: Update: Version 2.4 added provisions for menu selection of data base and text input file for additional runs. Deleted routine for correcting lines over 80 characters long. This is now handled by PAF itself satisfactorily. Importation of input text lines is now terminated if the number of lines already existing in the notepad and the lines imported reaches 704. This prevents the error message that was occurring when files of excessive length were imported in earlier versions. If line lengths exceed 80 characters linewrap occurs. Input files should be edited with your word processor, reformatting to lines less than 80 characters, and removing all unprintable characters other than carriage returns and line feeds. If wordwrap occurs in PAF and results in the line count exceeding 704 lines, then the error message that previously occured when PAF line limit was exceeded will still occur. See the later discussion on how to handle this error if it occurs. Update: Version 2.2 removed small bug in Version 2.1 that hung up if no RIN or Last Name was entered in the Search Menu. You are now asked to Re-enter the data. Update: Version 2.0 has corrected most of the deficiences found in earlier versions. Improved and faster search and highlighting of prompts as well as correction of problems with some lines over 80 characters in length are among the improvements. Limitations in PAF on the maximum number of text lines can still present a problem if your import files are 20,000 characters or more and have short lines. Description: IMPORT.EXE is a text file import utility for use with PAF (Personal Ancestral File) on an IBM or Compatible computer. It is a simple menu driven program when used after reading this short documention should prove a valuable tool for the PAF user. IMPORT.EXE will add notes from any ASCII text file to the end of the existing NOTES2.DAT records for any individual in your database. IMPORT.EXE will not edit or modify existing notes, nor will IMPORT.EXE insert data within the text of existing notes. IMPORT.EXE will extend your current notes or will create a note record, if there are no existing notes for the individual selected. Requirements for input text files are the same as PAF requires for external notes files. That is, lines not to exceed 79 characters and containing no characters from the extended ascii set. ASCII text files for importing into PAF with IMPORT.EXE should contain no characters that are not within the printable character set. Line feeds and carriage returns are considered to be printable. Control characters inserted by some text editors and word processors to set margins, tabulation, and form feed, may cause problems within PAF and can certainly effect the creation of a GEDCOM. Spaces created by tabulation may not be properly displayed in the notes, although spaces created by tabulation in Qedit are properly imported. Types of ASCII text files that may be imported are source references, historical sketches and biographical information, letters, or any other information that you wish to add interest to the individual record. These files may be created by any text editor or word processor that can/will save in ASCII format. If you are creating your own notes, keep the line length to not over 79 characters. PAF limits external notes to this number. If lines are longer than 80 characters, the importation into PAF my not be properly formatted on the display. The routine within IMPORT that limited the length of the lines has been deleted. The lines are now entered as read from the input file. If they exceed 80 characters in length, then they are word wrapped by PAF. This will create additional input lines and on extremely large files may give an error message when notes are called up in PAF Text with lines 80 characters or less, are imported as written and require no editing unless such characters that created the tabulation in the text formatting are not imported as an equal number of spaces. Formatted text should be created utilizing spaces rather than using tabulation. Double spacing the lines will create what PAF considers a separate note for each line. If more than one blank line is in the text, only the first one will be imported into the notes file. The other will be discarded. The size of the imported text file is not a consideration as long as it is within the normal size limits of your NOTES2.DAT file within your particulay PAF environment. You should keep in mind that PAF notes do consume a lot of your available disk space. After importation of a text file with IMPORT.EXE, these notes can be edited or deleted from within PAF by the normal methods. The Notes descriptions/conventions on pages 1-35, 1-36, 1-37 of the Reference Manual for Personal Ancestral File release 2.2 apply. Importation of notes with IMPORT.EXE does not interfere with the continued entry of notes to that record in the normal manner from within PAF. Entries by either method may be alternated if so desired. Use: IMPORT.EXE can be run from any directory and will access your database in any directory you list. The text file to import can also be in any directory. You must specify the proper drive:\path for your PAF data and the proper drive:\path and filename with extension for the text file to import. If you are logged into a subdirectory, and you data is in the root directory, then you must answer the drive:\path prompt with the drive followed by back slash. i.e. . The use of the drive < c: > alone will prompt you for a new entry. A carriage return for the prompt for drive:\path will be taken as the current directory that you are logged on to. If this is used, then your files MUST be in that directory. A carriage return will display 'default' at the prompt entry location. If either the PAF data or the text file are not found in the specified location you will be prompted for new drive:\path for both. Insure that your entries are correct to preclude writing to the wrong file or record. Selection of individual record in which to import the text file is made by RIN if known or by a search of surname or surname and first given name. Search is not case sensitive but does require the correct spelling of entries. If the name is not found, a new search can be made with a spelling variation. When a match is found during a search, the RIN, surname, first given name, second given name, the date of birth or the date of christening if no date of birth listed, name of the spouse if married or name of father if single and father exists. Search can be continued if this is not the correct individual. It is best to make selections by RIN number if known. It may even be faster to momentarily enter PAF and obtain the correct RIN for the individual(s) you want to insert notes for. This would be especially true if you have several entries with the same name, and limited data on birth and parents, or if you desire to import to several different individuals. Prompts that require only a single character answer are 'HOT KEY' answers and do not require a . If you are using a 'type ahead' configuration, and there are two of these in close proximity in the program, it is easy to give a response to the second prompt if a key is accidentaly depressed or the is pressed prior to the next prompt. In most cases, this will not adversly effect the operation since you will exit to DOS or move to the next prompt which would allow you to re-enter data or uit. When importing long text files into PAF, it is possible to exceed the limits of PAF on number of lines or size of the note pad. This can occur if your input file and the notes already in the note pad total to more than 704 lines. If these limits are exceeded, the text will enter the NOTE2.DAT file, but PAF will not read beyond its established limit. Error Message: If you import a large file, and exceed the PAF limits, then upon reading the notes from within PAF, you will get a message stating: Error: Bad record number (0), file: notes2.dat (write1) Press When this message is received, the follow the following procedure: Press and the notes will appear on the display. These notes will however be missing those lines that PAF did not read. If you save the notes displayed with the F1 key, then the error in PAF is corrected. You will be missing those last lines, but the data and the NOTES2.DAT file are OK. This can be verified by running FRCHK.EXE. Note that this message should no longer occur with Version 2.6, but it is still possible under some circumstances, usually if excessive line length causes word wrap when accessing the notes in PAF. Notes entered with IMPORT.EXE can be deleted, or edited in the same manner as notes entered from the keyboard. IMPORT.EXE should NOT be used on a data base that has failed the FRCHK.EXE test. Be sure to run FRCHK.EXE prior to running IMPORT.EXE. Always have a current BACKUP of your data prior to using IMPORT.EXE. Run FRCHK.EXE after each period of notes importation. Distribution: IMPORT.EXE may be distributed in its original form as contained in the IMPORT.ZIP or IMPORT.LZH with IMPORT.DOC included with no restrictions other than there shall be no charge for the programs. A reasonable charge for copying and mailing is allowed. Disclaimer: The author grants no guarantees that IMPORT.EXE will meet your requirements or run satisfactorily on your particular platform. The author assumes no liability for PAF data files lost or damaged by the use of IMPORT.EXE. Always have a current backup for your PAF data at anytime your use IMPORT.EXE or any other program that writes to your database. Registration: IMPORT.EXE is released under the Shareware concept. Registration is not mandatory, but if you feel that this program is of value to you, then a contribution of $10.00 will help inspire the author to continue updating the program. If ordered by mail, please include $2.00 for postage and handling. All registered users will receive telephone support if necessary. All users may post queries on GEnie, or on the FIDO GENSOFT Echo. GEnie address: J.CHANDLER2, on NGC GENSOFT echo address: Jack Chandler. Mail check or money order to : Jack J. Chandler 812 Vermillion Dr. Henderson, NV 89015