SCRIPT 3 Late Nite Auto-pass ECHO OFF :GET_PASS CLEAR NOTE "" NOTE " Perform Unattended Late Nite Auto-pass" NOTE "" Note "Perform Auto-pass 1 or 2? (Press to quit)" GETKEY 0 IF STRING 0 IS "^[" GOTO END ENDIF IF STRING 0 IS "1" GOTO GET_TIME ENDIF IF STRING 0 IS "2" GOTO GET_TIME ENDIF GOTO GET_PASS :GET_TIME NOTE "" Note "Enter Time To Begin Auto-pass %0 (24-hour format HH:MM)" NOTE "HH:MM" SETSTRING 1 "02:00" // Default time to begin GETSTRING 1 IF STRING 1 HAS ":" ELSE BEEP BEEP NOTE "You Forgot the Colon (:)!" GOTO GET_TIME ENDIF CLEAR NOTE "" NOTE "Unattended Auto Passes should not be left unattended for " NOTE "more than 1/2 hour past their expected completion, UNLESS " NOTE "you are confident of a trouble free connection between your" NOTE "modem and GEnie. Interference from occurrences such as " NOTE "line noise can produce unexpected results. " NOTE "" NOTE "" NOTE " Waiting Until %1 to Begin Auto-pass %0" NOTE " (press any key to abort)" WAITUNTIL %1 IF SUCCESS LOG ON SENDLINE "TIMEP" WAITFOR "Time:" IF CURRENTLINEHAS "P Time:" HANGUP BEEP CLEAR NOTE "" NOTE "" NOTE " Unattended Auto-pass was aborted because it was" NOTE " detected that log on occured during Prime Time." NOTE "" NOTE " Press any key to continue..." WAITFORKEYPRESS GOTO END ENDIF WAITFORPROMPT PERFORM %0 ELSE BEEP NOTE "SCRIPT ABORTED!" PAUSE 3 ENDIF :END ENDSCRIPT