Thank you for trying LinkRight. Please keep in mind that this is beta software. There are things that are missing, and some known bugs. There is a date check in the code to make this software unusable after July 15, 1993. The GA version might be available by then. If not, there will be a new and better beta version to use. Most of the features listed as missing are coded but not working. I temporarily commented out most of the non-working stuff so I could get this beta out. Missing Features OS/2 Command Line Version. DOS Version. None of the features listed in the Options menu are implemented. The options can be changed and saved, but they are ignored. There is no checking of dates, so all files will be copied, regardless of date. Going from HPFS disk with long file names to FAT disk with short file names will work by truncating parts of the file name in the same way that the WPS does it. But be carefull !! If the truncated file name matches a file name that already exists, the existing file will be overwritten. Files and directories can only be transferred from the Local machine to the Remote machine. To go the other direction, you must restart LinkRight on both machines with the sending machine as the Local machine. Transfer of all files on a drive is not supported (well, at least by selecting a drive and hitting the COPY pushbutton). The Retry batch file is not supported. The Error Log is not implemented. No online help. But as knowledgeable OS/2 and LapLynx users, I'm sure you can figure it out. Performance and speed of file transfer is slow. This is due to the lack of compression and optimization, plus the overhead of debug code that is still in the executable. The released version will be much, much faster. Known Bugs Sometimes the windows that contain the list of files in both the remote and local containers goes blank. If you resize the frame, the list of files will reappear. LATE BREAKING NEWS: If you start LinkRight from the OS/2 command line, this bug appears. If you double click on the icon from the WPS to start LinkRight, this is no longer a problem. Strange behaviour. Does anyone have any clues as to why?? Do not disconnect and try to reconnect. Instead, exit LinkRight and restart it on both machines. Don't double click on a local directory right after double clicking on a remote directory or LinkRight may crash and burn. Installation Create a directory that will contain the executable files and temporary work files. Copy all the files, after unzipping them, into the created base directory. Then edit your config.sys file and add the line SET LRPATH=D:\LRTEST where D:\LRTEST is the base directory that contains the unzipped files. You should now reboot your system so that the change in config.sys takes effect. NOTE: As an installation procedure, this is terrible. The released version will be much easier to install and use. Using LinkRight Double click on the LinkRight object from the WPS (you won't use the OS/2 command line, will you??) on both machines. Make sure the cables are hooked up. Select the sending machine as Local and the receiving machine as Remote. Under the Connect menu, select which port you want to use for both machines. Do not select default ports, because this option is not supported. You should now have a connection established. The Local machine should have the half window that displays files from the remote machine filled with the list of files. If this doesn't work, don't try to reconnect. You only get one shot at getting the connection right. Restart LinkRight on both machines and try again. After you have the connection established, mark files or directories from the Local machine by single clicking with the primary mouse button (left). Then hit the COPY pushbutton. Double click on a directory or drive to change to that directory or drive. You should be able to queue more files to send while files are being sent. The Refresh push button is to refresh the display for both the Local and Remote file list. You can create and run batch files from the Batch menu. But that feature is pretty useless without the OS/2 command line version. Technical Support None. If you can't get it to work, try floppies or LapLynx. I'll be too busy fixing known problems and adding missing features to provide any technical support. If you find problems with this software, you can post either a private msg to Jeff Tremble 71033,3517, or a public msg at OS2USER, Application Quest or OS2AVEN General Info. If you like this software, please post a public msg and tell the world. If you are an OS/2 programmer and you see bugs in my code that are similar to other bugs you've seen, please let me know what you did to solve the problem. If you see anything that I am doing and you know of an easier or better way, please let me know. Code snippets would be appreciated. If you have features you would like to see implemented, please feel free to let me know. Chances are I won't implement anything new in version 1.0, but perhaps for version 2.0. Please feel free to post this beta version to other BBS's. Good Luck and Happy Computing.