WHICHCPU 0.50 by Michael Holin ============================== this is Public Domain This program is a simple CPU-Identifier for MS-DOS-Machines. It distinguishes between 386dx and 386sx, 486dx and 486sx and it's the first program available, which is able to detect Intel's new Pentium CPU. Screenshot from the author's machine: WhichCPU V0.50 (c) by Michael Holin // Public Domain WhichCPU ? for info Looking for: 8088,8086,V20,V30,80188,80186,80286,80386sx,-dx,RapidCAD 80486sx,-dx,-slc,-dlc,Pentium CPU found : 80386dx NPU found : 80387 History: 0.41 (04/92): first public version 0.42 (05/92): removed some unused obj-code, source now included 0.43 (10/92): should now detect RapidCADs without cache 0.44 (12/92): detects Cyrix 486 0.50 (03/93): detects Intel Pentium (hope so, not testet yet, because this is written before the official Pentium-presentation on CeBit '93)