Ray, Here's the latest version of Anband! Hope you enjoy it, it's a blast! Here's a few hints : - If you see a "You feel there's something special about this level", DON'T GET OFF OF IT UNTIL YOU'VE EXPLORED THE WHOLE THING! A "special" level is one that houses Artifacts or monster rooms. Once an artifact is created, if you don't find it, it will never appear again! There are some AWESOME artifacts and are worth the trouble to find... See the file ANGBAND.DOC for a partial listing of them. - Don't quaff unidentified potions! There's one called a potion of disruption. If you quaff it, you get 400+ HP of damage! There's also a potion of death. Guess what that does... - If you die, the next player can meet your ghost... ghosts usually appear on the level that you previously died on. This isn't bad unless you have a super character that dies on level 200 or so... the next character you create might meet him when he's pretty low level. - To run the game, copy everything into a directory called C:\ANGBAND. You then have to create a BONES directory under C:\ANGBAND (to keep your ghosts). Type angband to start the game. You need quite a bit of free RAM (like 510K or something). - I've created a save file called MATT that you can rename to SAVE to see how a pretty good character looks. Make sure if you have a saved game you rename SAVE to RAY or something like that ... - There's a file called DAMAGE.TXT that lists damages from spells and breath weapons... Check it out! - Browse the ANGBAND.DOC file, it contains a shitload of information! - High Elves are cool, though they take FOREVER to get up there in levels! (They can't fall and can see invisible!) That's about it.. I'd hate to spoil anything more for you. Give it a try and let me know how you do! My guy's up to 29th level and is going along with a 117 armour class! Give me a call if you have any problems, -Matt