COLOR CROSS 1.0 Copyright 1993 by Gene Brown Shareware fee $12 COLOR CROSS is a DOS based two-player strategy game requiring an 8086 series CPU, 300K of free RAM, VGA color graphics, and a Microsoft com- patible mouse and DOS resident mouse driver. Because piece selections in COLOR CROSS require nimble mouse dexterity, you may want to reduce your mouse's acceleration and sensitivity settings before playing. CLRX.EXE is the only essential file, and it will run from either a floppy disk or hard drive. The file CLRXSMPL.CXC may be opened from within the game as an example of an initial board. The file CLRXFORM is the program registration form; it may opened and printed using any text editor. When CLRX.EXE is started, the user enters a character based shell with two menus: ¯File® and ¯Game®. The menu items under ¯File® enable you to open a board file, save a game in progress, or exit the program. Under the ¯Game® menu, selecting the item ¯Play® begins a new game or returns to the one in progress, and selecting the item ¯Help® provides a detailed set of directions and registration/copyright information. Although it has no direct analog I know of, COLOR CROSS is a kind of abstract board game. Like most abstract games, there are only a small set of properties involving piece selections, motions, and interac- tions to learn; but you must know them in order to play. In conjunc- tion with reading the directions carefully, I suggest demonstrating the properties for yourself by running through situations on the game board, which is fully editable. Generally, someone who already knows the game can teach you very quickly. A few of the game properties such as the number of pieces on the board, the initial board configuration, and the number of pieces moved during a turn have been left open. See the section RECOMMENDED PLAY in the ¯Help® window, which outlines a recommended play scheme. I almost forgot to state that COLOR CROSS is fun. Write with any ques- tions, observations, or suggestions to: Gene Brown Cold Water Software P.O. Box 9453 Forestville, CT 06011-9453 CompuServe: 73423,3415