bCAD version 1.0 bCAD is NOT a public domain program. It is copyright (c) 1990, 1991 by ProPro Group, Russia. All rights reserved. This software and accompanying documentation are protected by Russia and international copyright law. You are granted a limited license to use this software for evaluation purposes for a period not to exceed (thirty) 30 days. If you intend to continue using this software after this period, you must register your copy by paying ProPro Group Corp., Russia, which is copyright holder and major vendor of this system. After you have used bCAD for this reasonable evaluation period, you should either discontinue use of the program or purchase a licensed copy from ProPro Group Corp. Your support is important and greatly appreciated. With it, shareware authors are encouraged to design and distribute new products. Without it, a great deal of high quality, low cost software will cease to be available. Why pay at all? ---------------------------------------------------------------- o You get the hardcopy of documentation o You get the latest version of bCAD o You get unlimited support through mail or E-mail o Notification of updates and new versions o Inexpensive upgrade offers o Notification of new products o Discounts on other ProPro Group products o Your input and ideas help shape future products o You help to keep software prices down by supporting a distribution method which doesn't depend on expensive advertising campaigns. ================================================================ Trial use (shareware evaluation version) warranty: The Shareware evaluation (trial use) version is provided as is. ProPro Group makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including without limitation, any warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. Shareware is try-before-you buy software. If you find this package to be of use you should consider registering. Registered users get the complete version, support, and updates. If you received this copy of bCAD from a shareware vendor the money you paid was only for the diskette handling and posting, not the software.