POVCAD 1.0c by Alfonso Hermida Pi Square BBS (301)725-9080 4/2/93 NOTE: POVCAD is written in Visual Basic 2.0 for Windows (Microsoft Corp). To run it you'll need the runtime module VBRUN200.DLL. Copyright (c) 1993 by Alfonso Hermida. All rights reserved. The program POVCAD.EXE is distributed "As is". The author assumes no reponsibility for damages resulting from the use of this program. The program has been tested but no software is "bug-free" so...use at your own risk! What's POVCAD? POVCAD is a small solid object modeling tool to create scene files for raytracers. It's based primarily on the POV(Persistence of Vision) raytracer written by the Persistence of Vision Group. POV is a copyrighted freeware raytracer. If you would like to get in contact with them, contact Compuserve (800)848-8990, Comart forum Raytracing section 16, or call YCCMR BBS (708)358-5611, which is a raytracer specific BBS. With POVCAD you're able to create visually the scene file and have a pretty good idea (geometry-wise) of how the objects are positioned in 3D space. There is no support for textures and color visualization since POVCAD is a wire frame-based program. Nor, you'll see the results of any constructive solid geometry operation (boolean operation..for short). POVCAD supports the following objects: * planes * cylinder * cone * sphere * ellipsoid * torus * box * height_field * Raw data files (loading) * Sweep (solid of revolution) * light_source and operations such as union, difference,intersection and composite objects. Textures can be selected from a list without need of typing. The scene view can be changed between isometric,YX,YZ and ZX. A session list shows the steps you took to create any image and you may select any of the objects from the list by clicking on it. An interesting feature is the ability to create or read data files with path information for animation software. You can create linear interpolated data, circular motion, parabolic, helix or just freehand mode, where you sketch the path with the mouse. POVCAD does not do animation but it plots the path files so you can see how things look on the screen. The data can be transformed like any object in POVCAD. In the File menu, there is an option to save the session file and to Export to POV (that is to create the POV session file).