The following program is offered as freeware. You may do whatever you wish with it. I am not a shareware author and don't intend to become one. I thought that it might help some interested person. The code is written in BASIC and several musical programs have been included. If you do not have Melody Master, by Alexei A. Efros Jr., I suggest that you download it from the INVENTION FACTORY BBS. It is listed as MELODY21.ZIP. It is simple to use and no special hardware is required. All musical selections included here were written using Melody Master 2.1. If a non musical person like me can use Melody Master, I believe that anyone can. The Music Box program included can be used to play BAS files created with Melody Master. It simply strips off unnecessary data from each line and leaves only the musical data which it then plays. Copy all files to the directory in which you have installed Melody Master. Be sure that SORT.EXE and BASICA is in the path. Type the following: BASICA MUSIC This program will create a menu file. Selections will be sorted and printed on the screen. Simply scroll the menu using the cursor keys. You can flag musical files that you want to play automatically using the "A" key. The program is set to hold 120 musical selections but may be changed by rewriting the BASIC code. The following BASIC program illustrates the exact format for your musical selections. It plays "POPEYE" and was created by Melody Master. You can create them manualy if you wish, but you must follow the format used. You may however eliminate the REM statements. 5000 REM This BASIC subroutine was generated by MELODY MASTER v2.1 5002 REM * NOT REGISTERED for commercial use! * 5010 PLAY"MNT200L8O1F+AAAL4GL8F+L4A.P64DP32L8ABGBL4>DL8DC+F+AAAL4GL8F+L4A." 5020 PLAY"P64DP32L8ABGBL4>DL8DC+C+L4DL8O5C+D.P4P2O2AG+L4AEDC+EAG+A>C+BAG+BL4EEL8F+G+AG+F+EF+EDC+DC+C+DC+AG+L4AEDC+EAG+A>C+B" 5040 PLAY"AG+BL4EEL8F+G+AG+F+EF+EDC+DC+C+DC+" 5045 PLAY"EDC+EAEC+EAEL4F+DDL8F+ED+F+BF+D+F+BF+L4G+EEL8F+" 5050 PLAY"G+AG+F+EF+EDC+DC+C+DC+AL16D" 5055 PLAY"D+L8EL4FEP4G+AP2P4L8>F+AL4AL8AL4GL8F+L16>DC+L8DDDDL8DC+L8DDDB>DL4C+L8O2BAL4BL8O4AF+L4DL8C+L2D" 5070 PLAY"L8