Copyright 1993 By Matthew Kieren ßßß ßßß ßßßßß ßßßßßß ßßßßßß ßßß ßß ßßßßßßß ßßßßß ßßßß ßßßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßßßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßßß ßß ßßß ßßß ßß ßßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßßßßß ßßß ßßß ßß ß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßßßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßßßßß ßßßßßß ßßßßßß ßß ßßß ßß ßßßßß ßÜ ßÜ ßÛ ÜßßßÜ ßÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛÜ Û Û ßßÜßß Ûß ßßßß Ûß ModuleInfo gives you some quick but important information on an Amiga MODule File. This program is a great little utility for .MOD developers and utility crazy people alike. You can get help on it's usage by typing MODINFO/? at the Dos prompt. If you want more information or help from the author, locate at least one of the following files: T2A-V2B0.ZIP, T2A-V2B1.ZIP, T2A-V2B2.ZIP, or T2A-V100.ZIP. These files have my current home phone number and address. Thank you for trying M_o_d_u_l_e I_n_f_o!