Voice and Wave Converter for Sound Blaster PRO ============================================== This file contains the following sections: 1. Software Package Contents. 2. Converting Voice Files to Waveform Files. 3. Converting Waveform Files to Voice Files. 1. SOFTWARE PACKAGE CONTENTS VOC2WAV.EXE - Converting files with VOC format to WAV format. WAV2VOC.EXE - Converting files with WAV format to VOC format. 2. CONVERTING VOICE FILES TO WAVEFORM FILES. The command line entry for this utility is: VOC2WAV source target [/C:xx] [/R:xx] [/S:xx] [/L:xx] /C:xx Sets file to mono or stereo xx can be either 1 for mono or 2 for stereo. Default is 1. /R:xx Sets sampling rate for the waveform file. xx can be 11,22 or 44 kHZ. Default is 11 kHZ. /S:xx Converts silence block from voice file to waveform file data block form voice file to waveform file data block. xx is either OFF or ON. Default is OFF. /L:xx Replicates repeat rate for the count specified in the voice file file repeat to the waveform file. Negative repeat counts are ignored and only one waveform data block for repeating is created. xx is either OFF or ON. Default is OFF. 3. CONVERTING WAVEFORM FILES TO VOICE FILES The command line entry for this utility is: WAV2VOC sourcefile [targetfile]