=========================================================================== BBS: The Abacus * HST/DS * Potterville, MI Date: 02-13-93 (14:51) Number: 71 From: QUINN TYLER JACKSON Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Echo-wide BBS Project Conf: (35) Quick Basi --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Echo-Wide BBS Project --------------------- --------------------- Project Name: The QUIK_BAS Cooperative Integrated Mailer/Reader/BBS ------------- QBCIMR BBS Project Coordinator: -------------------- AVAILABLE BY PHONE, MAIL, OR FACSIMILE: Quinn Tyler Jackson, JackMack Consulting & Development, #302-9085 Gildwood Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia V3N 4L9 CANADA (604) 421-3301 FAX: (604) 421-5276 Assigned Technical Positions: ----------------------------- Module Standards Technician Quinn Tyler Jackson Compression Technician Rich Geldreich nominated ANSI Technician Jeff Freeman nominated Modem-GUI Interface Technician Jerry Hunter nominated FTSC Mail Technician Coridon Henshaw nomited NOTE: Nominees have not accepted positions as of 13 Feb 1993. Technical Positions (Self-nomination. You want it, you ask for it.): --------------------------------------------------------------------- I/O Standards Technician (low level) OPEN Message Base Technician OPEN On-line Menu Technician OPEN Door Interface Technician OPEN Configuration Technician OPEN Variable Assignment Clerk OPEN Explanation of positions in this project: 1. Module standards technician: Decides the overall interface of the project. Calling conventions, comment syntax, procedure naming system, etc., are established by module standards technician. 2. Compression technician: Designs and implements compression modules. 3. ANSI technician: Designs and implements ANSI sending, translating, and receiving modules. All must adhere to ANSI standard. 4. Modem-GUI Interface technician: Designs and implements modem-GUI interface, and sets standards of communication between the caller's modem and the BBS during non-transfer interactions. 5. FTSC Mail technician: Designs modules that toss, pack, sort, or otherwise deal with Fidonet standards echo or netmail. Must adhere to present FTSC standard. 6. I/O standards technician: Designs I/O modules for local and remote I/O interface. 7. Message Base technician: Designs and implements LOCAL message base modules. This is a responsible position that requires a thinker to design the file format standards for local mail. Mail that arrives from the network is converted to whatever format the MBT chooses, and mail going from the BBS is converted from the MBT's format to FTSC standards. Requires an experienced database designer. 8. On-line menu technician: Designs the look and feel of the menu that the caller will see at the other end, using both ASCII and ANSI systems. 9. Door Interface technician: Designs a reasonable door interface, using either presently accepted methods, or by devising new and better methods. 10. Configuration technician: Designs a configuration file format and reader code that sets system variables upon start-up of the system. Requires an experienced programmer familiar with parsing techniques. 11. Variable assignment clerk: Assigns global variables (COMMON SHARED) and arbitrates who can access them, when, and under what conditions. Global variables are set by the configuration file in many cases, so this position should also be held by the configuration technician, or by someone who lives across the street from him and likes his company.... This should give you an idea of what an echo-wide project entails. Would anyone wishing to accept one of these positions please let me know? If you do, I woul d like your mailing address, so that I can forward disks by post as the project develops. Quinn --- Maximus/2 2.01wb * Origin: The Nibble's Roost, Richmond BC Canada 604-244-8009 (1:153/918) SEEN-BY: 1/211 11/2 4 13/13 101/1 108/89 109/25 110/69 114/5 123/19 124/1 SEEN-BY: 153/752 154/40 77 157/2 159/100 125 430 950 203/23 209/209 280/1 SEEN-BY: 390/1 396/1 15 397/2 2230/100 3603/20 =========================================================================== BBS: The Abacus * HST/DS * Potterville MI Date: 02-26-93 (23:45) Number: 122 From: GEOFFREY LIU Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Echo Project Addition 1/2 Conf: (35) Quick Basi --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my addition to the Filecopy program. It can now use wildcards, but I did not modify the actual Filecopy Sub. ' Part one of Filecopy.BAS... '__O_/________________________| SNIP |______________________\_O_______ ' O \ | HERE | / O DECLARE SUB Filecopy (Source$, Dest$) DECLARE FUNCTION WildCard$ (GLFilename$, GLFlag%) '$INCLUDE: 'qb.bi' ' ' FileCopy enchancement #1 ' ' Author: Geoffrey Liu ' Date: Feb-26-93 ' I released the Wildcard Sub into the Public Domain for use with ' the Filecopy echo programming project ' QBS: YES. ' ' What's New: Filecopy can now use wildcards. ' ' Note: Did not include Filecopy sub to save space ' DEFINT A-Z Source1$ = "C:\*.*" Dest1$ = "C:\dos\" GLcolon = INSTR(Source1$, ":") DO GLslash = GLSlash1 ; GLSlash1 = INSTR(GLslash + 1, Source1$, "\") ;this part finds LOOP UNTIL GLSlash1 = 0 ;the path IF GLcolon > GLslash THEN ; GLslash = GLcolon END IF GLPath$ = LEFT$(Source1$, GLslash) Firstfile = -1 ; Flag to display file not found error DO Name$ = WildCard$(Source1$, Fileflag) SELECT CASE Fileflag CASE 3 ;3,2,12h are error codes PRINT "Path not found": END CASE 2, &H12 IF Firstfile THEN PRINT "File not found" END IF EXIT DO CASE ELSE ;great! no errors Firstfile = 0 Source$ = GLPath$ + Name$ ;give the paths back Dest$ = Dest1$ + Name$ CALL Filecopy(Source$, Dest$) END SELECT LOOP FUNCTION WildCard$ (GLFilename$, GLFlag%) ' ' Returns filenames with wildcards ' ' GLFilename$ is name of file *,? ok ' GLflag = 0 if first, nonzero if second and subsequent calls with same ' GLFilename$ (FindNext instead of FindFirst) ' ' Returns: If sucessful, ASCII filename (Strips extra nulls) ' if failed, in GLFlag:2 is file not found,3 is path not found, ' 12h is no more files ' Changes GLflag to -1 if sucessful ' ' NOTE: DON'T CHANGE THE DTA BETWEEN CALLS! ' STATIC GLDTa AS STRING * 43 'DTA size needed by findfirst/next 'STATIC GLPath$ DIM GLRegs AS RegTypeX GLRegs.ds = VARSEG(GLDTa) GLRegs.dx = VARPTR(GLDTa) GLRegs.ax = &H1A00 CALL INTERRUPTX(&H21, GLRegs, GLRegs) IF GLFlag = 0 THEN GLFilename$ = GLFilename$ + CHR$(0) GLRegs.ds = VARSEG(GLFilename$) GLRegs.dx = SADD(GLFilename$) GLRegs.ax = &H4E00 Continued on next message... --- * DeLuxe* 1.26b #11507 * A penny saved is a Congressional oversight. --- FidoPCB v1.4 beta * Origin: Canada Remote Systems, Mississauga, Ontario (1:229/15) SEEN-BY: 1/211 11/2 4 13/13 101/1 108/89 109/25 110/69 114/5 123/19 124/1 SEEN-BY: 153/752 154/40 77 157/2 159/100 125 430 950 203/23 209/209 280/1 SEEN-BY: 390/1 396/1 15 397/2 2230/100 3603/20