SortAddr V2.1 - An address book sort utility for OzCIS V2 1) History (and Excuses): The problem with sorting OzCIS address books is that the name field is free-form (the user can enter whatever he likes). This means that, for example: Acme Widgets Corp. A.N.Other [TeamOZ], Loudon Wainwright III, Mark Lathwell, and Michael A. Atherton are all acceptable input. This is fine as far as allowing users flexibility and freedom of expression goes, but it makes writing a useful sort routine difficult. For instance, in the above cases if the the "normal" approach of sorting on the last word of the field was used only Atherton and Lathwell would end up in a logical place (would you look for Acme Widgets to be "filed" under C, or Wainwright under III?). Anyhow, because of this when I wrote the first version of this utility I had it sort on the whole string (the examples above would end up in the order shown above). There was a work-around - the user had to edit the entries in the address book manually (to, for example, Other, A.N. [TeamOz] and Wainwright III, Loudon) but the problem then was that they appeared this way on the To: line of the message header. I got plenty of feedback from IBMCOM Sec. 12 (all of it positive, encouraging and very welcome) but most of it vaguely unhappy about this compromise. I also got a great idea (from Todd Fiske of TeamOZ) for overcoming this difficulty. This version incorporates his idea. 2) Todd's Idea: ... was to use the third comment line of the address book record to pass the sort key. To sort on a particular part, say the third word, of the name, the number 3 is passed as the last word in the last comment line. For instance if you want Acme Widgets Corp. in the A's you would add 1 after whatever comment (if any) was in the last comment line, if however you want them under W (for Widgets) put the number 2 in the last comment line. i.e. the sort is completely customisable - the choice is yours. My guess is that most name entries are "standard format", i.e. in a form such that sorting them on the last word of the name gives logical results, so I have made this the "normal" method - if the last comment field is empty or contains comments but no number) the utility sorts on the last field. This means that you only need to edit the comment field of a record if you feel that the normal method puts the entry in the wrong place for you, in most cases you probably won't need to do this. This should minimise set-up work editing the 3rd Comment line. Though appearing in the address book as "comments", these lines are entered in the Edit Address Book as "Notes", the number of the word to be sorted on is therefore added as shown below: +-[ ]-------------Edit Address Book------------------+ | Name [ ] | | | | Address [ ] | | | | +-Notes ---------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------------------------+ | | | | [F10-OK] [F1-HELP] [CANCEL] | +----------------------------------------------------+ If there is already text on comment line 3, the number goes at the end of that text, separated from it by a space, if there is no text the number can go at the start of the line. The other two lines may be empty -it makes no difference. The only essential is that the sort number is the LAST WORD OF THE LAST LINE in that Notes box. As an example of how this would works in practice, the following: NAME FIELD 3RD COMMENT FIELD ---------- ----------------- Acme Widgets Corp. 1 A.N.Other [TeamOz] 2 Loudon Wainwright III 2 Mark Lathwell Michael A. Atherton would produce a sort into what I consider the sensible order, ie: Acme Widgets Corp. Michael A. Atherton Mark Lathwell A.N.Other [TeamOz] Loudon Wainwright III BUT (again) the order is completely customisable - if you think it sensible to have Acme Widgets under W (for Widgets) - because maybe you entries for several widget makers and want them all sorted together - or you are on first name terms with Loudon and want to look him up under L you only have to edit the 3rd comment line accordingly. What actually happens when you force a custom sort like this is that (for the purposes of the sort only) a temporary string is created by "pasting" the chosen word to the front of the whole name field, so that e.g.if you choose to sort its entry on word 2 'Acme Widgets Corp.' would be sorted as if it were 'Widgets Acme Widgets'! Therefore the records are sorted with the word you select as a primary field and then, within that sort on the whole name. If you elected to sort these on the word 'Widgets': Acme Widgets Corp. British Amalgamated Widgets Wally's Widgets Warehouse Widgets 'R' Us That would be the order they end up in but they would all be 'filed' under W (for widgets). 3) Parameters: A single parameter gives the name (and/or path) of the address-book to be sorted. It is optional, if absent the OzCIS default address book, (addrbook.adr in the OzCis root directory) is assumed. If you keep your address book in another directory (because maybe you have a different address book in each of several host's directories) or you call it something else a parameter giving the name AND PATH of the address book file must be passed. 4) How: The easiest way to use this is from the OzCIS externals menu, install it with "2nd Cmd processor?", and "Pause after execution?" checked. If you need parameters and its the same one every time it can be put on the command line with the program name eg. SORTADDR c:\ozcis2\host1 otherwise, for multiple address books, and therefore different parameters the "Prompt for params?" should also be checked. 5) Paranoia Department: I have tested the program fully and it works OK on my system, also the underlying version has been d/loaded (and presumably used) by many IBMCOM Sec 12 inmates without any reported problems BUT ... ... Obviously I can't foresee every configuration of equipment (or complexity of address book formats) on which this utility will be used so I cannot guarantee its infallibility (well, would you?). Therefore, JIC, the old, unsorted, address book is backed-up by the utility to a file with the same filename (but with the extension .BAK) so that, if something unexpected happens during sorting or file-saving all your lovingly entered address data will be retrievable. 6) Thanks This little utility has developed from helpful and constructive comment from the IBMCOM Sec 12 gang for which I am grateful. Feedback via the forum is always welcome. Acknowledgement for the customisation idea leading to this update is due to Todd Fiske of TeamOz. I guess we ALL owe thanks to Steve Sneed for the excellent OzCIS and to TeamOz for their patience in gently guiding us all though it. SortAddr is free to anyone who wants it. Hope you find it useful. Richard Linter [70624,414] Somerset UK August 1993