CA-Clipper 5.2a Computer Associates has an updated version of CA-Clipper 5.2 available for download. The update is available only to developers who already have CA-Clipper 5.2. There are two versions of the CA-Clipper 5.2a update files; US & International. You need to download the correct version or the update process will not work! For updating US product download ... 52AUS.EXE For International download ......... 52AINT.EXE These files each contain several updating files (.RTP) and a 52ADOC.TXT file. The 52ADOC.TXT file contains a detailed description of the installation procedure and a list of problems addressed by 5.2a. 52AUS.EXE and 52AINT.EXE are found in Library 0 of the CA-CLIPPER CompuServe forum. ("GO CLIPPER") Do you know if you have US or International product? If you are unsure which version of CA-Clipper 5.2 you have installed on your machine you should go to your OBJ directory and look for a file called NAT_OBJ.EXE. EXAMPLE: C:\CLIPPER5\OBJ> DIR NAT_OBJ.EXE If this file is present then you have the International version. If this file is not present then you have the US version. Do you already have 5.2a? If you are unsure which revision of CA-Clipper 5.2 you have; the quickest way to find out is to run the Compiler with a non-existent program file. EXAMPLE: C:\CLIPPER5\BIN> CLIPPER zzz No code will be generated but version information will be displayed on the console. If your version is 5.2 (not 5.2a) then you should download the 5.2a update. Do you have the latest version of PATCH.EXE? The update process requires PATCH.EXE from Pocket Soft. This program takes the information contained in a .RTP file and generates an updated version of a file(s). The version of PATCH.EXE required for this update must be 1.11 or later. If you do not have PATCH.EXE or need a newer version you may download it from Library 0 of the CA-CLIPPER CompuServe forum. NOTE: o As an alternative to CompuServe; some user groups are making the patch available to their members. Check with your local group for information on this. >>End<<