Just for registering ASP quality software entitles you to special dicounts on the following items: DISCOUNT ON JOINING COMPUSERVE. Should you wish to join the CompuServe Information Service (CIS), as a registered user of my ASP Shareware product, you are entitled to a discount on your initial fee. Normally, this charge is about $45, with a $25 usage credit returned once your account is active, or a net cost of $20. This discount offer allows you to join CompuServe with no initial charge, plus you receive a $15 usage credit will appear on your account after it becomes active. To take advantage of this, call the CompuServe Sales Department at: 800-848-8199 or 614-457-0802 and ask for Operator 162 They'll set you up with a userid, a temporary password which you can change as soon as you sign on, and a $15 credit to your account for your initial use of the service. Monthly usage is billed to your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express card. ************************************************************************** DISCOUNT ON A SUBSCRIPTION TO PsL NEWS. As a registered user of my product, the excellent ASP Shareware disk vendor, Public (software) Library, will give you a 33% discount on the current $24.00 subscription price of their excellent publication, PsL News. This publication is a monthly compilation of reviews, articles, and current Shareware listings, compiled by Nelson Ford, one of the pioneer members of the Shareware industry. To take advantage of this offer, call or write: 800-242-4775 voice Nelson Ford 713-524-6394 voice Public (software) Library 713-524-6398 FAX Post Office Box 35705 71355,470 CompuServe Mail Houston, TX 77235-5705 USA ************************************************************************** DISCOUNT ON A SUBSCRIPTION TO SHAREWARE MAGAZINE. As a registered user of my product, you are also entitled to a special offer a subscription to one of the foremost industry publications, Shareware Magazine. This publication is edited by Mike Callahan, world renown to Shareware enthusiasts as "Dr. File Finder". To take advantage of this one-year subscription, normally $20.00 for just $9.97, call or write: 800-245-6717 voice Shareware Magazine Subscription Offer 408-730-9291 voice 1030 D East Duane Avenue 408-730-2107 FAX Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA and give Special Order #: 2262