This utility was written awhile ago, and has been rewritten to try out the library by RUNsoft, that works with .ini files. Make sure to read the license agreement for the Class library TInit.... Requirements: CA-Clipper version 5.2 or higher OverLay Blinker - unless you modify the link script Init library - enclosed zipfile Quick note: This is a revision that uses Blinkers swap functions. I also have a version that uses Overlay, for the asking... What it does, is allows a programmer to backup files for any project they are working on, and save information on the configuration of the project into a ascii file similar to how MS-Windows saves data to run itself. The first time that the program executes, it looks for the .ini file specified in the source code, and if not located - it will create one by default, and bring itself up in edit mode. Once you have saved a configuration it is saved to disk. Any other time you desire to edit the configuration file, just invoke the utility with a parameter of /E for edit, or use your programmers editor to manually edit the config file. Notes: There are several types of files that can be specified; 1) local file - file in the current working directory 2) remote .obj - object files not in the present working directory 3) remote .lib - libraries not in the current working directory Of course you can add other types of remote files, by either placing them into one of the remote file specs, or add another field for other types of files. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All multi-files must be delimited by use of a comma Example: PRG,H,CH C:\LIB\GRUMP.LIB,D:\BLINKER\MINI.LNK ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TRADEMARKS/COPYRIGHTS Build source code is (c) to Gallagher Computing/Kevin S. Gallagher Blinker (c) Blink Inc Clipper (c) Computer Associates Grump.lib (c) Greg Lief, GrumpFish Inc. Overlay (c) SoftDesign TiniFile (c) RUNsoft