March 14, 1993 These instructions and the included program provide an easy way of protecting IBM compatible computers against most known viruses. A batch file facilitates their detection and removal with a single command from the DOS prompt. The batch file and these instructions were prompted in response to a virus called "stoned." Fortunately, this virus is relatively harmless: it does not destroy files, just displays the message "Your PC is now stoned" when the computer boots up. It does spread easily to floppy disks, however, and you will want to remove it if your hard disk is infected. F-PROT.EXE (file protect) is the included, shareware program that will remove the stoned virus, among others. The batch file PROTECT.BAT simplifies its usage to the following steps. 1. Create a directory called C:\PROTECT and copy all files into it. 2. Copy the batch file PROTECT.BAT into a directory on your DOS path. For example, you might store it in a C:\BATCH directory with other batch files. This allows you to run it without being in the C:\PROTECT directory. 3. At the DOS prompt, type the word "protect" and press Enter. The program will detect and remove most known viruses from your computer's memory and hard drive. If one is discovered, re-boot your computer and repeat the command to make sure it is no longer there. 4. after protecting your computer's memory and hard drive, you can use the program to protect floppy disks, or other specified drives. Simply pass the batch file a parameter consisting of the drive letter followed by a colon. For example, you can protect a floppy disk in drive A by entering the command: protect a: Depending on your system, other drive letters may be substituted for A. If no drive parameter is specified, the batch file assumes your memory and hard drive by default. In this case, it prompts you for confirmation, since this process may take several minutes--depending on your computer's speed and the number of files on your hard drive. 5. The method described above is a simple way of using the most common options of the F-PROT.EXE program. Additional options for reporting and combatting viruses are available from an interactive, menu-driven mode. To enter this mode using the batch file, pass it the "menu" parameter as follows: protect menu Documentation about this mode and other aspects of the file protect program may be found in files with a .DOC extension.