**** CMPQwk 1.13 Update Notes **** To properly view this file turn on Notepad's wordwrap feature. This version fixes all known bugs in CMPQwk 1.12. The toolbar icon for help was moved to the right to conform with general Windows conventions. A problem with the Edit window for editing replies was fixed. A few other odds and ends here and there were optimized. It also contains a revised, improved, searchable help file with more graphics and higher compression, resulting in a smaller file containing more information. (Let's hear it for the protected mode help compiler!) CMPQwk 1.13 will load the File/Open dialogue on program startup if you put the line FileOpenOnLoad=yes in CMPQWK.INI. If you wish to disable this feature, change the "yes" to "no" and it won't open the dialogue. 8/11/93 Derek Backus Todd Henschell -------------------------end of update.txt-----------------------------