FontSee 2.5 Registration fee $15.00 by Alan D. Reeve REEVEsoft P.O. Box 1884 Clemson, SC 29633 (803) 654-7378 The attached file (FNTSEE25.EXE) is our latest (05/01/93) revision of our FontSee font viewing utility. In May of 1991 we released the original version (called the Fontographer, but the name has changed due to a conflict with a Mac [and now PC] program named Fontographer) of FontSee which allowed viewing of all typefaces installed under Windows and printing of typefaces, character sets, and reference cards. In August '91 some bugs were fixed and a second release was issued. Version 2.0 was later released which added the following major features to make it the BEST font viewing utility available: * You can now print or VIEW characters sets and reference cards on screen. * You can now change the point size of fonts viewed/printed. * ...and most importantly you can now select a target application and (via the mouse) type using a virtual (on-screen) keyboard. For example, if you load MS Word 2.0 and FontSee you can select MS Word 2.0 as the target application by choosing the Select Target Application and pointing to the MS Word edit window. Now, by clicking on the virtual keyboard FontSee will automatically type in MS Word 2.0 for you. This is especially useful when you need a special symbol such as the copyright symbol...just select your target app, load up FontSee, go to on-screen Reference card mode, and click on the character you need. Of course you have to coordinate things so that both FontSee and the target are working with the same typeface. Notes: The virtual keyboard part of FontSee was developed as an Independent Study project at Northern Illinois University during the Fall '91 semester. This program is consequently being released into Shareware. If you like it please send $15.00 to the above address and you will receive the current version automatically along with the manual for this program. Feel free to distribute this program in any way you see fit providing that it and this text file remain unchanged. This includes adding it to Shareware Libraries (all we request is notice of this), CD-ROMs (we request a copy of the CD including this program), or other materials under similar arrangements. Since then we've had five minor upgrades including version 2.3 which fixed a bug that caused FontSee to crash on systems with over 100 fonts installed. Version (2.4) fixed a problem that caused some fonts to be displayed incorrectly (most notably symbol fonts), and also adds the display of the working font in the Windows' title area in Reference Card/Virtual Keyboard mode. This version (2.5) fixes a bug that causes the font name 'Helv' to print in Character Set mode when Fix-Fonts is on (now the correct font name is printed). What Else Is New? We've been developing Windows shareware and commercial applications for over a year now and a few commercial applications thoughout the Summer of 1993. TrashCan was one of our first utilities. It uses Windows 3.1's Drag and Drop interface to give a nice, convenient way to delete files from the File Manager. The registered version of TrashCan includes an Undelete option. TrashCan is shareware with a registration fee of $10. MacSEE 3.1 tops the list. MacSEE allows your PC to read/write Macintosh disks, but it doesn't stop where the others do because MacSEE allows you to rename, delete, make folder, remove folders, and format Macintosh HFS disks. It also features file translation which allows your PC to use the Mac data from MacPaint, MS Excel, Postscipt, TIFF, EPS, and MOD files and also translates MacBinary and HQX files between a PC and a Mac (i.e. if you download a MacBinary or HQX file on your PCX MacSEE will copy it over so that a Mac can use them!). MacSEE includes both Windows and DOS versions and retails for $79.95. (MacSEE 3.0 is shipping now and 3.1 will ship at the end of June '93) Word Hunter is next. Word Hunter is the computerized rendition of those classic word search games. With Word Hunter creating puzzles is a breeze, and playing them requires no confusing, sloppy pencil marks. Word Hunter supports standard, hidden word, and jumbled word puzzles and includes many puzzles. Random puzzle generation is also included for a seemingly unlimited supply of puzzles. Word Hunter will retail for $24.95. (Will ship at the end of July '93) Thank You, Alan Reeve, Owner * If You Use This Program Please Support It * * by registering your copy *