IconMan 1.3 Beta Test Thank you for taking time to help me test the next version of IconMan! This is version of IconMan has three new features: 1. The font used on the main window can now be changed via the Options -> Font dialog box. This option has not been tested with font systems other than TrueType. If you use ATM ot another system, please try these fonts and let me know how they work. 2. Because of requests from users I have added the ability to play sounds when an application is Minimized or Restored. This is done through the Options -> Sounds dialog. 3. There is now short cut key selection in the Options dialog. Short cut keys are currently limited to Control-Alt combinations. This may change in the future. Pressing the short cut key while in another appication brings the IconMan window to the top of other windows. One known problem is that the short cut key does not work while using a DOS program. Please send problems or requests to me at 76057,653. Thanks again for participating in the beta test. Scottt Bender Harmony Data Systems