============================================================================ INSURE-2 by: Kemp Brown - Basic Languages Group/DABU 3/24/92 ============================================================================ This is a re-working of the INSUREME application written by Darrique ?. I added a few extras to it, since the demo I was given to rework had only one screen to it. The original had several MDI Child windows in it, but there seemed to be no way of accessing them. I decided to just go with full- screen size windows for ease of data entry. There was quite a bit of unimplemented functionality in the original app, so I had to extrapolate what he meant to put in the application. I used forms from the Prudential Insurance Co. provided to us for most of the information in the app. The app was written to be as flexible as possible. Therefore you can go back and forth between edit screens and update any data that is erroneous. The program demonstrates the major functionality of Pen Windows controls - BEdit fields, HEdit fields, both with DelayRecog on and off, as well as an array of "point 'n shoot" type edit fields (check boxes, option buttons, etc.) If you make any changes to the forms, you should beware - all the controls were placed in design mode, and are not placed programmatically. That can be done if desired, but if you're careful not to click and move the wrong things, everything should be ok. Simply run the .EXE, then fill out the required info. Not all fields have to be filled in before you can move on, although that could become a requirement later, before generating the report. As it stands now, the app is mostly complete, although not totally finished. The LOAD and SAVE FORM buttons aren't functional at this time. Saving ink in the signature HEdit field proved too big an obstacle given the time frame I had. The report form is pretty rudimentary - I ran out of time to really polish it up and add extra functionality. It could easily be fleshed out to have more interpretive information. One idea I had but didn't have time to follow up on was a risk assessment based on what the applicant had entered in the previous forms. For example, if they ticked YES on a lot of "bad" things, then the risk factor would be high - ie. "Bad Risk" to insure. Simply click the action buttons at the bottom of each form to move back and forth between the forms, it's pretty self-explanatory. A sample script would be like: A prospective insuree is give the app to fill out. They start on the Main Form, and enter the information such as name, occupation, sex, etc. When finished with that, they would press the "Additional Information" button, which would show that screen. On this screen, they would enter additional information, and sign the form. After returning back to the main form, they would then press the "Medical" button to go to the medical data entry screen. After filling this information out, they would return to the main form, and press the "Report" button to generate a report. After this, they have the option of changing previous choices, or ending the app. If you have any problems let me know. I've included all the forms and the MAK file, as well as all the custom controls needed to run it from VB if the EXE I provided fails to run. Good luck and let me know what you think! -Kemp Brown (KempB) -BasLang/DABU