You have just unzipped OnTop (tm), the easy window managment tool from Phillips Design. To install, just copy the program files into your Windows directory. If you wish, the actual ontop.exe file could go in a different directory, but the ontop.hlp, dos.pif, and bwcc.dll files really should be in with Windows. (Windows looks for this type of file there.) Click on the group that you want to install OnTop into. (Accessories is good.) From the Program Manager, choose File|New, then click OK on the default Program Item selection. The description should be "OnTop", or anything else you'd like to call it. (How about "useful"?) The command line should be "ontop.exe", preceded with a path if the program is not in the Windows directory. Choose OK and your ready to run. We did not include an installation program due to the increase in size of the zipped file. If you register the program, for an additional $5.00 over the base $14.95 we will mail you a disk with the next version, complete with an installation program. NOTE: There is a file called dos.pif included with OnTop. This is a Windows Program Information File, that tells if how to run a DOS window. If you already have a dos.pif file, you may want to use it instead, to keep your preferences intact. Our company... We are a fairly small software design firm, with a few commercial products, mostly vertical market. OnTop grew out of necessity; as a programmer I often needed a DOS window or the Notepad handy. I also liked to run with full sized windows - so clicking off of the notepad would make it disappear!! In August we release WriTrack for Windows, a Manuscript tracking program for writers. It will track submissions, deadlines, progress of your work, etc. It will produce labels and reports of all types, and maintain a database of publishers, periodicals, and contests to submit your work to. It includes a handy little postage information program, which we will release separately as shareware in a few weeks. For full registration info, see the ontop.hlp file. You can access it by pressing the HELP button in OnTop (if it's in the Windows directory), or just open it with your word processor. Comments/Questions: Phillips Design Ken Phillips Jr. 71561,711 Mailing Address: 2726 Robert Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45211-8116 (513) 661-4494 (Dial *12 to send a fax...)