WigWam Prune Assistant ---------------------- by Tarry A Higgins, thiggins@cix.compulink.co.uk 1.0 Updates and Amendments ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.01a I have fixed a problem with truncating the prune filename & path. This was something that I had hard coded in. You can specify a path and file name. however if it's not legal then it will cause problems when you come to prune. 1.01b I have made sure that you cannot specify conf.pru as the file name for files to be pruned into 1.01c I have included 4 check boxes in the form_load code to try and pin down where there are problems. the 4 boxes are as follows Initialisation OK CONF.WW read OK CONF.PRU read OK Completed all form_load If you have a problem then please tell me where it occured in this sequence of boxes. Also binmail to me as one zip file conf.ww, conf.pru, and tp.ini. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.02a I now fully read and utilise the Days box, you can type in a number, or a letter. 'N' or 'n' for never, 'D' ot 'd' for delete, 'R' or 'r' for reset to default as well as using the spin button. 1.02b I have included performance enhancement in the loading code as if you had a large prune file it would take ages to load up. 1.02c I have packaged the 'debugging' and 'non-debugging' versions together. It doesn't add much to the zip file. The debugging version is called wwpruned.exe, the non-debugging version is called wwprune.exe. 1.02d I have changed the about button, and the about dialog to a nicer 3d appearance. (whoop-de-whoo) 1.02e The code was tidied up when redundant events were being called and data was being set explicitly. slight performance enhancement (unnoticable). 1.02f I was explicitly selecting the first item in the Current Conf/Toic list box, which would cause WWPA to hang if every conference/topic had had a setting explicitly defined for it. I have fixed this problem. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.025 New version uploaded that corrected a minor bug left in. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.03a Drag&Drop is now implimented. You can now drag and drop from either of the two list boxes, from one to the other, and from either to the 3 settings buttons on the toolbar (reset, delete, never). Drag&Drop is implimented by using the RIGHT mouse button, not the left. 1.03b Changed the font used in the ListBoxes to be Courier New, the standard windows 3.1 fixed pitch font. Unless I use a fixed pitch font the specific list box looks wrong due to me padding the areas between the topic name and the setting with spaces. 1.03c I have restricted WWPA to only allowing one instance of the program to be active at a time. 1.03d I have amended the save routine so that if a topic has the same setting as its conference then the topic is not writtem to conf.pru. 1.03e If an item is selected in either the current or the specific list box then right clicking on the other box moves the selected item over. (Drag & Drop without the drag). 1.03f I have corrected a bug that meant if you had switched an item from one list box to to the other then the focus was set to the wrong box ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.04a I have changed the prune file text box to a button showing the prune file name, and linked in the common dialogs which allows me to automatically validate the file name and path of the prune file. 1.04b Because of 1.04a, WWPA now requires the common dialogs vbx file, this has been included into support.zip. 1.04c I have now implimented a full menu system (as full as is otherwise supported, no help as yet). 1.04d I check to see if you have changed anything, and only if you have do I prompt for saving on exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.05a The check for changed to prompt for save changes (1.04d) above was not picking up changes made to the Days textbox made by over typing, (those made by the spin button were though). This has been picked up and implimented. 1.05b An item highlight in the current listbox and then changing the Days textbox by typing was losing the focus after typing in 1 letter or digit, picked up and implimented. 1.05c Helpfile now fully implimented, & tied in, context sensitive, menu sensitive etc, etc, etc. 1.05d Minor changes in the code, removing redundant routines and streamlining some internal things, should be unnoticable to you. 1.05e Implimented statusbar help text for menu items (use alt and arrow keys to find this out, rather than clicking). ======================================================================= 1.10 renumbered as 1.10 Non Beta General Release, filename changed from wwprune.exe to wwpa.exe ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.11a Implimented new help file, browse, eliminated some inconsistancies from it, added sections and rewrote sections for greater clarity. 1.11b Added a 'no prune file' facility as requested by some users, available on the menus, and by shift+del. 1.11c Cleaned up code quite a lot, eliminating redundant routines. 1.11d Implimented "Never", and "Delete" as available settings for default days, check most of keyboard input in that area, it can still be crashed but for sensible input should be OK. 1.11e Now CIS/powwow/tpnet/tpmulti compatable as well, will now autodetect service based on the type= in the [tpopts] section of tp.ini. If type=cix or type=cis a text conf.ww is assumed, otherwise a binary conf.ww is assumed. If anyone knows differently, then tell me. 1.11f While loading/reading I change mouse pointer to tell user system is busy, change it back when appropriate 1.11g Requires updated mwatch.dll as shipped in with this release. 1.11h Made the two listboxes bigger to accomodate larger conference/toipic names. If they are truncated, then please inform me ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.12a Auto centering of the form on the screen. 1.12b Altered problem of binary conf.ww having entries at the end being written into listboxes. 1.12c Splash Screen at startup (well whoop de whoop!) 1.12d Listboxes have been widened slightly to accomodate longer names. 1.12e Code on removing items from CONf.WW to CONF.PRU Listboxes at load time amended - should be faster now. 1.12f Current and Specific Listboxes renamed to CONF.WW and CONF.PRU 1.12g Added a new Menu Item - Delete Item - Which removes entries from the CONF.PRU Listbox (ie resigned conferences/topics) 1.12h I now grey out menu items when they are inapropriate. 1.12i New button Bar, Calls up Help Search 1.12j Rebuild of the Help file, ensuring it is uptodate, all graphics redone in 16 rather than 256 colours. Non-Scrolling region for title areas etc (add topics and reduce the size from 75K to 60K - hmmm). 1.12k New Icon for WWPA, Thanks to David Bird (dbird) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.13a Major New feature: multiple conf.pru management. Added a new menu option under File menu - Management. Opens up a dialog box that allows you to switch to a new prune set in a couple of clicks. Called CHOOSER 1.13b I create a file called confprus.lis which is how I manages the multiple Prune Sets - please don't delete it. 1.13c Major New Feature : Child moves with Parent. Full operation of topic moving with conference, so that if a conference name is operated upon, then all topics that have the same setting as the conference are also operated on. (At last, managed to get this to work :-) - unfortunatly the processing means that it takes even longer to initialise :-( ). 1.13d Changed Drag&Drop to use the left mouse button (refer to 1.03a) as it always should have done. I finally solved the 'box appearing around word' at every click problem (which you weren't aware of). 1.13e Implimented a default double click operation. Drag one of the three settings buttons into the lower right hand corner to set the operation of a double click. 1.13f Lots of internal reprogramming went on to impliment the new features please report on any new anomolies - I think I've got them all. 1.13g Implimented context sensitive click on help. click on the middle of the help icons, and the cursor changes, you can then click on anything and get help about that thing. This feature is also available from clicking on the chooser screen help button 1.13h Requires toolbutn.vbx, now included in the updated support.zip and also seperatly as toolbutn.vbx 1.13i The helpfile is kept in step naturally. Search on 'chooser' for new multiple conf.pru's features. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.14a fixed calling of help file if located anywher other than in the WigWam directory. help file should be located in the WWPA directory, then it will be called OK. 1.14b fixed the swapped bitmaps for never and delete on the set double click mode dialog box. (I knew it looked wrong, but...) 1.14c Fixed the help file not being called from the common dialog properly when setting the Prune File 1.14d Fixed the Default Days box occasionally giving out of stack space messages if using the scroll up/down arrows. Sorted out it's focus problem as well 1.14e Fixed the truncating of ascenders and descenders on the opening 'splash' screen 1.14f Actully made some code changes that mean it should open faster, only it doesn't improve much :-(. 1.14g Upped the speed of response when operating on a conference name (only really noticable for norman) 1.14h Slight change to D&D, if one of the three settings is dropped onto the CONF.WW or CONF.PRU listbox, then the highlit item in that listbox will take on that setting if apropriate. 1.14i Drag & Drop from any of the 3 settings buttons to the Days box, will apply that setting to the highlit item 1.14j Drag & drop from any of the 3 settings buttons to the default box will change the default days to 30, never or delete as apropriate 1.14k Fixed the reset button which was not operating on conferences properly 1.14l fixed the problem with -1 and -2 for global settings in tp.ini, I now write the correct values in again (65535 and 65534). 1.14m Updated the help file to reflect the changes, plus made some other minor textual amendments to it. And it definatly closes when WWPA closes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.15a Corrected bug that help file was not being called from the chooser screen. Fixed a bug introduced in the last version whereby F1 no longer opened up the help file. Help file is now callable from everywhere. It was not being called from the double click and about screens. 1.15b Implimented Drag & Drop from the days box to the double click area (really useful) and to the default area (less useful). Implimented Drag & Drop from the 3 setting buttons to the Days box as well. 1.15c Speeded up the loading time by about 25% (down from 22 to 18 seconds with 700 topics and 300 with specific settings) 1.15d Changed the keyboard shortcut for item delete from Ctrl+I to del Implimented Ctrl+W and Ctrl+P as keyboard shortcuts for the CONF.WW and CONF.PRU listboxes. Changed the keyboard hotkey for Defaults, Prune Days to Ctrl+U, and the access to Alt, D, D (from Alt, D, P) 1.15e Implimented chosing days from the double click screen. 1.15f Updated help file once more to reflect D&D changes, also put in pictures of icons, updated screens. That's about it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.16a Fixed a minor buglet in losing the focus from the days box 1.16b Fixed a reset bug, that any conf when reset would also reset all other items that had the same setting as it, wether they belonged to that conf or not. 1.16c Updated help file to v1.16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.17a Lots of minor internal code changes, cleaning thing up and generally speeding them up as well. Uploaded to CIS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.18a Implimented font changes for 2 listboxes. 1.18b Resizable window, with a sensible minimum size. 1.18c Helpfile updated to reflect the changes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.19a Fixed a directories problem, where I was always moving to a directory before playing around with the files in that directory, and sometimes this could fail. I now reference all files absoloutly. 1.19b In Chooser if I didn't find confpru.lis I didn't load the current set of prune options into it. Fixed this nasty bug. 1.19c About - Made the OK button default button and cancel as well. 1.19d Double Click Box - some minor internal programming changes to structure. Make validation of data safer. 1.19e Looking for fontname is now more sensible. 1.19f I was always looking in tpini dir for files, whereas I should be looking int tpmsg dir. Changed this 1.19g Format of confprus.lis has been changes to tab rather than space delimited. You will need to amend this file yoursleves. Search & replace multiple spaces for tab will do it quickly. 1.19h Didn't change the help file except for version number. most unusual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.20a Major improvement in opening speed (20 seconds is down to 6) by removing some redundant checking code. 1.20b Fixed a problem with deleting items from conf.pru listbox. 1.20c Implimented the 'Old Entries' menu entry on the File menu, this setting which itemises unneeded entries in conf.pru and allows them to be easily removed. (pruning the prune file so to speak) 1.20d Use the status bar more when a lengthy operation is ongoing to give more feedback to the user. 1.20e Made the 'Set Double Click Mode' dialog a little tidier generally 1.20f Updated the help file to tie up correctly. 1.20g Drag & Drop from conf.pru & conf.ww was showing some extremly anomolous behaviour, it was being dragged from the wrong place. Must have recently introduced it. Now fixed. 1.20h About box was resizable, made it fixed size. 1.20i Played around with look of the toolbar a litle, to make it how I wanted it to be a bit more. 1.20j I was greting the default days box when increasing/decreasing the default days using the spin up/down. changed this behaviour, as it was unnecessary. 1.20k Altered the timing of spin buttons a little bit, to make things more snappy. 1.20l Eliminated the need for the masked text edit box. Removed from archive as well 1.20m Proper installation program at last ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.21a Fixed the problem with File Management bringing up the HourGlass Cursor and not reverting to the arrow. 1.21b Amended the installation routine, mnake it generally better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Regards Taz.