A spiteful boss does all he can to make your life miserable. You can't help but wonder: A) Is he under stress at home? B) Does he have a proper diet? C) How long could he hold his breath under water? In case of some natural emergency, you've already planned: A) A safe, rapid evacuation route from the office. B) Where to seek temporary shelter. C) Who you'd choose as a mate to repopulate the earth. Some companies provide an employee cafeteria. This is especially appreciated by: A) Busy, deadline-conscious employees. B) Bargain-minded meal shoppers. C) People who actually liked bone-dry fish sticks and rubbery, lime gelatin in junior high school. Elevator etiquette requires that, if you see a frenzied coworker rushing to catch the closing doors of your car, you should always: A) Hold the door open. B) Move to the back of the car to make room. C) Fake holding the "door open" button until seconds before the doors slam shut on the sucker's nose then let him hear your laughter cackling up the empty shaft. When you hear the words "upper management," you immediately think of: A) Your long-range goal. B) Your next promotion. C) A boss voodoo doll riddled with pins. If your office had a theme song, it would be: A) Workin' 9 to 5. B) Whistle While You Work. C) Taps. When the copy machine breaks down, you think: A) I'm sure it will be repaired promptly. B) I hope this doesn't cause any inconvenience. C) Dang! Only one check this payday. The mental image that springs to mind when you hear the phrase "Let's put in overtime!" is: A) A busy hive of productive bees making delicious honey. B) A thriving farm of ants cooperating to move obstacles many times their combined weight. C) A turnip being squeezed in a vise until it sheds a drop of blood. At your business, the "Annual Report" is: A) A concise record of the past year's successes. B) A valuable comparative analysis. C) The most outrageous work of science fiction since "Attack of the 50 foot Accountant." During those few brief moments when you're not hard at work, you sometimes fantasize: A) You have been named C.E.O., and your brilliant initiatives turn the business around. B) you have been relocated to Tahiti. C) You are strangling that person who always says "Workin' hard, or hardly workin'?" Major retirement benefits where you work include: A) A more than adequate income for the rest of your life. B) Continued medical coverage. C) You never have to work in this cesspool of greed and indifference again. The question which your coworkers most often challenge themselves with is: A) "What if ...?" B) "Why not?" C) "Huh?" The historical figure who would best fit in as a manager of your company would be: A) George Washington. B) Abraham Lincoln. C) Calamity Jane.