ALGEBRA, A SKILL-ORIENTED APPROACH SOAV2.EXE is an upgrade to the Shareware version of SOA.LZH Algebra, A Skill-Oriented Approach, (or short title, "Skill- Oriented Algebra, "SOA") is a teacher-based, two semester, computer-generated course in elementary algebra. It consists primarily of printed exercises and tests, formatted for direct and immediate student use. All exercises are random number based and no two are precisely alike. The supply is substantially unlimited. SOA's software in turn is supported by a curriculum guide with addendum, printed word problems, and semester tests, (the Manual). Full documentation, however, can be acquired only with REGISTRATION. See below. The REGISTRATION fee entitles the user to a BONUS: "MATHEMATICS, BASIC SKILLS," a compendium of exercises on the order of SOA, but in basic arithmetic. An IBM computer or compatible is required for both packages, together with a printer having the capability of printing superscripts. A monochrome monitor will suffice. SKILL-ORIENTED ALGEBRA (SOA) can be used in three ways: as a complete algebra course; as an an inexhaustible supply of algebra exercises, each tailored specifically to type and difficulty level; or as a "pre-algebra" for use in junior high schools. As a complete course. SOA comprises a significant subset of the elementary algebra, more than is taught currently in 90 percent of our public schools. As an adjunct to the text-based course. The additional exercises cannot help but aid the algebra teacher in providing a more effective learning experience. Within this context, wherein SOA may be regarded as a "worksheet generator," the exercises are infinitely variable (as to difficulty level), and endlessly renewable. As a "pre-algebra" given at the junior high school level. SOA will provide excellent preparation for a more conceptualized, text-based course to be given in high school. Skill-Oriented Algebra has a proven track record. It is solid and substantial and produces students with well-rounded skills in both algebra and -- surprisingly -- basic arithmetic. SOA is teachable. The material is learnable. Its scope and content reaches well beyond that which is currently absorbed in our public schools. With SOA, students acquire substantial skills. And since it is sequenced as to levels of arithmetic difficulty (in addition to the algebra), it remediates in that area too. SOAV2.EXE may be reproduced and distributed freely. The complete one year course is provided. Only the full documentation is missing, although "CAT.DOC," included herein, gives ample gui- dance for proper choice by users. Only registered users will be provided the full documentation, (the MANUAL), and "MATHEMATICS, BASIC SKILLS," another complete package of printed exercises, but this time in add, subtract, multiply and divide; integers, fractions, decimals and percent. This "skills" package, sold originally by the T'Aide Software Company of Arizona for 100 dollars, is now offered as a BONUS to REGISTERED owners of "ALGEBRA, A SKILL-ORIENTED APPROACH." Run SOA. Photocopy the exercises. Use them in class. Note their suitability and variability. The manual, containing the full documentation, is spiral bound, 8 1/2 X 11 inch in size, primed for reproduction and in-class use. The cost for registration is only 59.95 dollars. Contact Alfred D'Attore at the address below. ************************ OPERATING PROCEDURES ************************ When expanded, Skill-Oriented Algebra, (SOA), occupies over 400,000 bytes. Hereinafter, this README file will assume that you are "in" the directory SOA or some disk containing all the files. Note that in the setups to follow, SOA exercises and documentation can be printed to the screen. The display scrolls by very quickly, but a touch of the space bar will stop the display. Touching it again will recommence the display. Command SOA, and the MENU will appear. SETUP ONE ********* SOA is configured to print using EPSON 2500 printer codes. This is pretty much an industry standard today. If your printer responds to this standard, and if it is not a laser printer or Desk Jet (Ink Jet) type printer, (see below), the operating pro- ceedures are very brief: Use the cursor up/down keys to highlight your choice and hit RETURN (ENTER). To configure the software for printers other than the EPSON 2500 or compatibles: from the MENU, command PSETUP as described below. Also from the MENU, the user can command PRINTER to print out the documentation. In this version, it will only print out the three-page SOA catalog, "CAT.DOC." SETUP TWO ********* Wherein the printer is not Epson 2500-compatible, or the user has a laser or "desk jet" type printer. Command PSETUP, (that is, highlight the command and press return). A listing is provided. If the user's printer is contained therein, or if there is one listed that has comparable printer-codes; then choose "e," and input the printer filename with or without the ".PRN" appendage. Those with laser or "desk jet" type printers, use "HPII-III.PRN," notwithstanding IBM or Epson compatibility. The reasons relate to proper spacing in the printed exercises. Output will be in accordance with rules for HP PCL 4. Since printer requirements are moderate, this will serve for PCL 5 types and most non-HP desk jets too. The user will then be returned to the MENU. Printer configuration is now complete. Proceed as above. SETUP THREE *********** Note SETUP TWO, above. If your printer is not listed, and if -- further -- there are none with comparable printer codes; command "s," and hit ENTER (RETURN). Then armed with your printer manual (containing your printer codes), follow directions as indicated exactly. Use base 10 integers only, (no hexidecimal). When inputs are complete, you will be asked the name for this new printer file. Use eight characters or less and no appendage; this latter will be added automatically. Afterwhich, you will be asked if you want this file transferred to "USERP.PRN," the working file for SOA. If you answer "yes," this will be the printer file through which SOA will output its exercises, tests and documentation. You will be returned to the MENU. If you make a mistake, simply exit the software and start again. Remember, only registered users get the full documentation and the very excellent package, "Mathematics, Basic Skills." Send checks or purchase orders to -- Alfred D'Attore 1300 S. Farm View Drive Apartment B-21 Dover, Delaware 19901