Media Contacts Watchman Fellowship It was inevitable that following the eruption of the Branch Davidian siege, the media would contact Watchman Fellowship. It had certainly happened before. When the Utah bombs exploded in October 1985 as a result of Mark Hofmann's forgeries, the media contacted WF for a statement. When Elizabeth Clare Prophet of the Church Universal and Triumphant predicted the end of the world in April 1990, the media contacted WF for a statement. Also in the same month, when the media learned the Mormon Church had altered its Temple ceremony again, they contacted WF. When the Korean Church of the Living Stone and Mission for the Coming Days predicted the Rapture in October 1992, the media contacted Watchman Fellowship. However, nothing prepared the Watchman staff for the media onslaught that began on Sunday, February 28th. To compound the problem, James Walker and Rick Branch were in San Diego, California for the opening of the new Mormon Temple. This left the Arlington Texas office extremely shorthanded. As of today (April 9) the following is a synopsis of the past 40 days as it relates to the Branch Davidians. Depending on how this stand-off is resolved, WF anticipates several more days of very intense media coverage. February 28 6:15pm - An ABC affiliate in Dallas contacts Phillip Arnn for an interview. A reporter and cameraman arrive at his house a short time later. March 1 12:15am - An NBC affiliate in Ft. Worth calls Rick Branch's home. His wife explains that Rick is in California and that they should contact Phillip. 12:30am - NBC calls Phillip's house asking him to be on their 6:00am news broadcast. 6:00am - Phillip is live on the local NBC news. 12:00pm - Phillip talks with the Fort Worth Star-Telegram about the Branch Davidians. 1:00pm - Fort Worth radio station KNRB records a program with Phillip to be aired later. 3:00pm - NBC Ft. Worth sends a reporter and cameraman back to the WF office for further information. 7:00pm - Phillip is a guest on John Stewart Live aired on the USA Radio network. March 2 11:30am - The local NBC reporter and cameraman arrive at WF office for a further interview with Phillip. 12:15pm - The NBC station director calls the WF office. Tells reporter to get Phillip to the station as soon as possible. At about 1:00pm Phillip goes on live television news for nearly five hours. 2:00pm - Eddie O'Krongly gives an interview to radio station KLRN in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. 4:00pm - During one of the NBC station breaks Phillip gets the message to call Table Talk, a Beverly Hills, California satellite program. A brief interview during the NBC station break was completed. March 3 7:45am - Phillip discusses the events at the Branch Davidian compound with radio host Greg Wheatly of WMBI (Chicago, Illinois) for their drive time program. 7:00pm - While in San Diego, California for the Mormon Temple opening, James Walker records an interview about the Branch Davidians for the evening news on the local ABC affiliate. March 4 8:00am Phillip records another radio program for an Oklahoma radio station. 2:00pm - Another local NBC reporter and cameraman arrive at the WF office for further interviews and information from Phillip. The interview is to be aired on the 5:00pm and 10:00pm broadcasts. March 5 7:00pm - Phillip appears on NBC's 5 Talk Street with other panel members. This is broadcast on Saturday and Sunday mornings. March 6 James Walker and Fred Russell travel to Waco for state-wide Texas Christian Youth program. While there they journey to the Branch Davidian compound and speak with ATF officers. 7:00pm - Rick Branch and Phillip are interviewed on KLIF, one of Dallas' largest secular talk radio stations. March 11 9:30am - Phillip records television program on Austin station for airing at a later date. March 15 8:30am - Phillip recaps the Branch Davidians movements for a radio program on Blackwell, Oklahoma's KOKB. 1:00pm - Phillip gives People magazine information about other extremist groups, like the Branch Davidians, for an upcoming issue. 1:30pm - The 700 Club calls the WF office for information. March 19 11:00am - A reporter from the NBC station calls for further information. April 2 11:30am - Phillip is contacted by Marlin Maddoux of USA Radio network to write an article for their Freedom Report newsletter about the Branch Davidians. April 5 9:30am - An NBC reporter calls Phillip interested in Koresh's theology on Passover. 9:45am - Dallas radio station, KLIF calls to inquire about Koresh's Passover. 1:00pm - A reporter and cameraman from Dallas' ABC television comes to the WF office for an interview with Phillip. 1:15pm - While Phillip is taping interview with ABC, an NBC reporter calls the office. Rick Branch spoke with him about Koresh's Passover. 2:00pm - A cameraman from NBC arrives at the WF office to record some footage for the evening news. April 6 Phillip and Rick travel to Waco, Texas to gather material for this issue of the Watchman Expositor. 3:00pm - The Fort Worth Star-Telegram calls the WF office for information. James Walker explains Passover and other recent developments. April 7 3:30pm - Phillip recorded a program with Fort Worth's KNRB radio. NOTE: In addition, the Birmingham, Columbus, Houston, and Nashville Watchman offices participated in countless radio and network affiliate TV programs.