Watchman Fellowship at LDS Temple Opening With all of the news about the Branch Davidians it may be assumed Watchman Fellowship has done nothing else. However, this is not true. Before David Koresh's name ever appeared on the evening news, WF missionaries James Walker and Rick Branch were on their way to San Diego, California for the opening of the 45th Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The "Church News", official newspaper of the LDS Church explained that over three quarters of a million people were expected to attend the open house which was to begin in February (13 February 1993, p. 3). But even before the open house, the LDS Church was already proselyting. Beginning in August 1992 and continuing through January `93, the LDS Church operated an "information center" on the nearly completed Temple site. This enabled them to tell prospective members about their organization before the Christian missionaries were able to respond. According to Clyde Romney, chairman of the LDS Temple open house, "...30,000 people visited the temple site during this time. Arthur Sevy, director of the site information center, added that of the 30,000, 39 percent were non-members" (Ibid, p. 5). The majority of this 39 percent certainly left the Temple information center believing the Mormon Church was just another Christian denomination. However, because of Bill McKeever, director of Mormonism Researched, who coordinated the Christian missionaries during the opening of the San Diego Temple, many of the hundreds of thousands who visited the LDS Temple during its open house were given the true doctrines and history of the Mormon Church. Watchman Fellowship is one of many ministries that owes Bill a real debt of thanks for all his coordinative efforts. During the six weeks while people were going through the Temple over 178,000 pieces of Christian material were given away. If the LDS Church's estimates are correct, that three quarters of a million people went through the Temple, then nearly one of every four people who went through the Temple received a piece of Christian material. Also, considering that family units of two or three people per family are average (with LDS families being much larger), the Christian missionaries may have given one piece of literature exposing the doctrines of the LDS Church to each and every family. The Christian literature distributed at this Temple opening was not simply a Christian tract. Rather, it was a specially designed eight-page newspaper (much like the former style of the Watchman Expositor), containing in-depth and documented articles about the deceptive nature of the Mormon Church. It also contained information about the non-Christian doctrines of the LDS Church. Watchman Fellowship wishes to thank each and every Watchman Expositor reader who made this trip financially possible. However, WF does not wish to glory in past victories, but rather to strive ever toward future victories. Please pray about being a part of these future victories.