Why You Should Subscribe to -Pacific Edge Magazine-. -Pacific Edge Magazine- seeks subscribers on a shareware-like basis. This means that you are free to try out and share the magazine as you wish, provided it is unaltered. However, if you find that you're reading us month after month (or even day after day), we hope that this means you like us enough to subscribe. "What's in it for me? Especially since it's not like I need a printed manual, or some of that other stuff that shareware programs hold back 'til you register...", I hear you ask. Very simple: 80% of your subscription goes to pay our writers. Let me say that again: 80% of your subscription goes to pay our writers. The more people subscribe, the more money I can pay to the writers. The larger the payouts, the more likely it is I can buy pieces from professional writers, thus, the better the writing in the magazine will be. I know of no other magazine where the relationship bewteen the readers and the writers is this direct. Most other magazines can't afford it: subscriptions to them are mostly just a way to cover postage, while their real revenue comes from advertisements. I don't plan to have anyone other than my readers have that kind of power over this magazine; my only loyalty will be to my readers.