What's Up With That? Somewhat Enlightening Wanderings from the Mind of John Davis Computer geeks (CG's) cannot speak in normal terms, not because they are by nature introverted, semi-social beings--they are, but that has nothing to do with the common language problem! It is because the computer/data management field itself is such an unnatural means of communication that the CGs have adapted themselves to interact optimally with the machine, therefore making themselves unfit company for conversation with anyone but one of their own. Jargon abounds, with terms like kluge, vaporware, cache, aliasing, and de-fragment. Then there are the real brain-busters--the acronyms, such as: GUI, DMA, CPU, I/O, DOS, API, DPI, and MOUSE. The terms are confusing for the chipnophobic and, in some cases, for otherwise intelligent and competent computer users. A case in point is the perennial confusion of the terms ASCII and ANSI. They are often perceived to be interchangeable to the unenlightened, but if you should misuse one term for the other within hearing of a horn-rimmed spectacled pocket-protector life-support system, the nasal chortles will drive you to a mental system lock-up. In the interest of your well-being, I will charitably enlighten you on the these two most secret and basic terms of computerdom's secret society--Byte Motivated Entellectuals (Byte-ME, for short). The confusion stems from the fact that ASCII and ANSI are related appellations for the code defining computer text, put forth by ANSI. ANSI is the American National Standards Institute, a fascist organization founded to boss the computer community around; though not at the same level as the international bullies, the CCITT. ASCII stands for the American Standard Code for Information Exchange, it is formally known (though only to 3 computer science professors and a Washington billionaire-bachelor) as ANSI Standard X3.4-1977. When people talk of ANSI text however (and what exciting people they are!), they are most often speaking of ANSI terminal codes invoked through the ANSI.SYS device driver in DOS. Let me talk first of ASCII text, and the related code, then I'll touch on how ANSI.SYS exploits this code. ASCII was formulated as a 7 bit code for data terminals, which math tells us allows for 128 characters, not all of them printable. This provided a quick method for data communications devices, such as CRTs (another acronym; Cathode Ray Tube) and teletypewriters to electronically communicate in a text-only fashion; the computer equivalent of Morse Code. Because text messaging is still a dominant form of information sent over wire, and the fastest method, ASCII is still a very necessary code standard today. It is also considered a universal interchange format for text based applications such as word processors, spreadsheets, and databases. If you go to print in a character-based application, chances are that the application is simply sending the ASCII codes to the printer, which accounts for the speed advantage of printing text over graphics. ASCII text requires that 8 bits be sent to the printer for each character printed, while text in graphics mode, such as that sent from Windows or by bit-mapped fonts, requires a bit for each dot making up the graphics character. The bit-mapped font gives you more control over the look at the expense of that common shorthand called ASCII. You'll note that I said "8 bits" per character for ASCII, when I'd previously stated it was defined by ANSI as a 7 bit code. The reason has proven a "bit" of a problem for computer users. IBM figured early on that if 128 characters is handy for text definition, then graphics and specialty characters could be defined by adding one bit to the ASCII character set, resulting in the IBM Extended ASCII Set, 256 characters in all. The reasoning was sound in the non-graphical era of the times, because the crude graphics characters gave users the ability to do line and block drawings on text-only screens! (state of the art special effects for the time). IBM was not the only wishful thinker in the ASCII improvement game. Printer pioneers Epson decided that by simply adding one bit to the Character set they could define extra text characters to provide printing enhancements like italics to the common man--result: The Epson Extended Character Set. What a leap forward in screen and printer sophistication these companies provided...Unfortunately, the 256 characters (more precisely the extra 128 characters) that IBM defined were NOT the same as those defined by Epson. As a result, block characters sent from a screen to an Epson (or Epson emulating) printer print italic "garbage characters". The solution is to choose IBM printer emulation when printing text in text mode with line drawings, and choose Epson emulation when printing in text mode with italic characters. There are other ways provided through ASCII codes to control printer output, which are known as "Escape Codes". If you've ever wondered what the ESC key is doing on the computer keyboard in the first place, this is it. --It was not originally meant as an escape mechanism for programs that you delved too deeply into without manual support. The ESC code allows devices that receive it (printers, CRTs) to interpret the ASCII characters not as printable characters, but as special control codes for the device. Printers can be operated and customized for print size and paper handling through escape codes. CRTs have developed such attributes as blinking text and inverse video through the clever use of escape codes. The biggest windfall from escape codes is "absolute cursor positioning" which allows clever programming to place the cursor at any point on a screen, unavailable prior to escape codes’ inception. This is the perfect moment to incorporate ANSI.SYS into the discussion. It is a device driver to interpret ASCII escape codes for use by DOS. Great, but about as understandable as saying "endoplasmic reticulum uses the Kreb's Cycle to produce Adenine Tri-Phosphate for consumption." You need a few definitions. A device driver in DOS allows you to customize the peripheral's interaction with the operating system--a translation program between the device and DOS. When you type a letter DOS receives the keyboard "scan code", interprets it and sends the character to the screen. Likewise, when software or other device (such as a modem) sends a character, DOS writes it to the screen. ANSI.SYS, when placed in the config.sys file, intercepts all screen directed characters, redirecting them into its "black box", interprets them, then sends them to the screen. Sounds like an extraneous detour, but it allows for very useful customization. I don't want bore you with a bunch of literal examples, but the following are possible in DOS only due to the ANSI.SYS device driver: Absolute Cursor Positioning, screen colors and attributes, custom key definition (e.g. the "a" key doesn't have to type "a", it can type "hey" every time it is hit if programmed that way, with ANSI.SYS loaded). It is the driver that allows you to get the "cool" effects on BBS's as well, making it well worth the memory overhead. In short ANSI.SYS enhances your screen and keyboard control in DOS. ASCII text and ANSI.SYS seem like anachronisms in the GUI,GUI world of windows and SVGA graphics, but an understanding of them is still useful in getting the most out of your PC, and impressing the technobabes in the user group. Until next time...Escape code me outta here.............+++