New Network .QWK by Michael Gray - Publisher of InterNational Online Magazine After LONG discussions, thoughts, comparisons, and mood swings, I would like to announce a new network: "IOMAG-Net" a .QWK netmail system. IOMAG-Net stands for InterNational Online Magazine Network. This .QWK network is for everyone and we hope you will consider carrying it on your Bulletin Board System. It will have many of the same topics covered as other networks do with the added feature of InterNational Online Magazine Support. This is a great way to get direct support of the magazine and to talk with the staff directly. As with any new networks it will start slow, so now is time to take advantage and get your direct input into it's growth. Conferences are already starting to take shape, you can have a conference of your own if you like and the subject matter is one that will draw activity. You will have a vote in adding/deleteing conferences and other items that may arise. This is one network where YOUR voice is heard an acted upon. So how do you get started? Simple, just call InterNational Online Magazine (501) 968-1506 voice or data call Node #1: (501) 968-1931 or Node #2: (501) 968-7450 Just ask for or leave a message too Michael Gray and we will setup an account for you to poll for mail. The rules and policies are still in the creation mode and I invite you to give me your input on those as well. We wanna have FUN and be as friendly & close as a family, but can only do so with your support. Give us a chance to grow and give us a chance to provide you and your BBS users with the BEST Network going because you helped to create it. Looking forward to hearing from you, Michael Gray - Publisher InterNational Online Magazine (501) 968-1506 data lines (501) 968-1931 or 968-7450 -==-==-==-<>-==-==-==-