Getting the Most from MS-DOS 6 Jeff Prosise Author of: PC Magazine DOS 6 Memory Management with Utilities PC Magazine DOS 6 Techniques and Utilities MS-DOS 6 contains a treasure trove of new features for new and advanced users alike. Here are ten tips for getting the most from MS-DOS 6 once it's up and running on your PC. 1. Create Long PATH Strings In previous versions of DOS, PATH strings were limited to 122 characters because DOS commands were limited to 127 characters. The 127-character limit still holds, but you can now create long PATH strings using SET commands in CONFIG.SYS. To do so, add a command of the form SET PATH=... to your CONFIG.SYS file. DOS 6 supports SET commands in CONFIG.SYS, and CONFIG.SYS commands are not limited to 127 characters. 2. Zap Protected Files with One Command The new DELTREE command deletes subdirectories and their contents. The manual doesn't mention it, but DELTREE also deletes files that are protected from deletion by hidden, system, or read-only attributes. The command DELTREE WINA20.386 deletes the WINA20.386 file that the DOS 6 setup program places in your hard disk's root directory. If you don't want to be prompted for confirmation, add a /Y switch, as in DELTREE /Y WINA20.386 Better yet, create a ZAP macro that deletes protected files by adding the command DOSKEY ZAP=DELTREE /Y $1 to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 3. Use MemMaker -- Really! Use MemMaker to optimize your memory configuration, even if you're a memory management guru who would prefer to do it by hand. MemMaker does a few things that are difficult (sometimes impossible) to do manually, including detecting late-activated adapter RAMs, determining the optimum load addresses for TSRs and device drivers, and maximizing RAM for DOS apps run inside Windows. 4. Optimize the Load Order to Load More TSRs and Device Drivers High If upper memory space is tight, you may be able to fit more TSRs and device drivers in upper memory by changing the order in which they are loaded. To determine the optimum load order, examine the MaxSize and FinalSize parameters for each TSR and device driver recorded in MEMMAKER.STS, which MemMaker creates in the directory where MEMMAKER.EXE is stored. Then, to the extent possible, rearrange the load order so that programs exhibiting the greatest different between MaxSize and FinalSize are loaded first. 5. Maximize Upper Memory Space If upper memory space is still tight, use MSD (the Microsoft Diagnostics utility shipped with DOS 6) to determine if segments C000 through C5FF are devoid of RAM and ROM. If they are, add an I=C000-C5FF switch to EMM386.EXE to create another 24K of UMB RAM. If you ran MemMaker in Express Setup mode, or if you ran it in Custom Setup mode but answered no to the question "Use monochrome region (B000-B7FF) for running programs?", then there is space reserved for your PC's video buffer that is currently going unused. To compensate, add an I=B000-B7FF switch to EMM386.EXE if your PC is equipped with a color video adapter, or I=B800-BFFF if you use a monochrome video adapter. This adds an additional 32K of UMB RAM. Important: If Windows refuses to start after you make this modification to CONFIG.SYS, add a DEVICE command to the [386Enh] section of SYSTEM.INI loading the MONOUMB.386 driver supplied with DOS. 6. Expand Upper Memory by Loading EMM386.EXE Low If you lack just a few kilobytes in having enough memory to load one more TSR or device driver high, add a NOHI switch to EMM386.EXE. This will increase EMM386.EXE's footprint in conventional memory by about 5K, but it will also make 5K more UMB RAM available. 7. Resolve "Out of Memory" Errors from DEFRAG If DEFRAG quits with an out of memory error, and if you're using EMM386.EXE on a system with a color video adapter, add an I=A000-B7FF switch to EMM386.EXE and reboot (I=A000-AFFF for monochrome systems). This will give DEFRAG 96K (64K if you used I=A000-AFFF) more conventional memory to work in. Note: This procedure will not help DEFRAG if your PC contains an extended BIOS data area. 8. Have Your Cake and Eat It Too If you install EMM386.EXE with a RAM parameter because one or two of the applications that you use utilize expanded memory, try installing EMM386.EXE with a FRAME=NONE switch. This configures EMM386.EXE to provide expanded memory services without taking away 64K of UMB RAM to serve as an EMS page frame. Not all EMS-aware apps will work with EMM386.EXE set up this way, so try running those apps before you make this a permanent addition to CONFIG.SYS. Note: The FRAME=NONE switch is also supported in DOS 5, though this fact is undocumented. 9. Tailor the Environment for DOS Apps Under Windows Use COMMAND.COM's new /K switch to auto-execute a batch file when you open a DOS prompt window in Windows. 10. Maximize Free Space on Compressed Disks By default, DoubleSpace leaves at least 2MB of space uncompressed on every disk that it compresses. If you don't need that much uncompressed space, you can increase the storage capacity of the compressed drive by about 3MB by resizing the drive from the DoubleSpace control panel.