IBM - BIG BLUE? Well everyone knows that the new valuepoint line of computers has been doing quite well in the PC Market. The valuepoint line is a much more competitivly priced box then the PS/2 line. If anyone that is reading this article has tried to purchase one of these computers, you usually get the, on backorder line from your computer store or dealer. Well I'm working for a college that deals with IBM a lot. Our whole center is IBM Donated. So when we decided to build another computer lab for students we decided to go ahead and purchase IBM Computers. We chose the IBM Valuepoint line since it was so much economical. Well the first thing you have to do is call your marketing rep for a price. You do this because its going to be a big order and since our school is assigned a Rep. its time to use that person to gain expertise and help. That is if you can ever reach that person. So then you decide to call her manager and you get the run around like Ohh you do know she's really busy and I'm sure she will call you when she has time. WHAT? In today's news all you hear is how IBM is cutting back and how their sales are off. Well one way to correct this is to call your customers back so they can place orders. I could not believe this one. Well its been two months. No IBM Computers. No Price and the best is still no call. Hmm, Maybe compaq can give us a call back. What do you think? But in summary we all know IBM will be around for ever. But next time your getting ready to buy an IBM product think about it. Are they going to be eager to help you in your problems down the road? Here is just one example.