NISCA - PORTABLE FULL PAGE SCANNER Now you can fit a full page, grey scale scanner in your briefcase. This scanner measures 2.5 by 12 by 2.75 inches and weights under 3 pounds. It also does 400 dpi in 256 shades of gray. It's battery operated and comes with an A/C adapter. This device is a little different then the others you see in the store. It gets connected through the parallel port of your computer. The best is yet to come. It will scan 30 full pages per charge. If you snap off the base plate, you can use it as a hand scanner. The software that comes with the scanner is Ocron's Word and Pictures, it gives you optical character recognition, image editing, and fax on the fly capabilities.. Scanner Retail Price is $799.00 EDITOR CLYDE ARNOLD BITS N' BYTES BBS