THE VESA BUS.. WHAT IS IT? Most of us today are always looking for a faster and better computer. I know when I bought my 386sx-16 two years ago I thought that this was awesome. Now when you goto the computer store you see 486DX2-66 computers that make the 386SX 16 look like an 8088. Not only has the computer market leaped but the software market as well. Games now take 26 Megs of disk space to load and there are CD-ROM Games like the 7th Quest that is like watching a movie. Well now comes the VESA. What is it? It stands for Video Electronic Standards Association and its developed for multimedia. Its a bus slot on the video card or motherboard that will make it easier and cheaper to integrate motion video and other functions into grapics adapters. So is it good to buy a computer system with a VESA? Well you bet it is. With everything growing monthly in the computer field look for the VESA Tag. Its another add on that will allow upgrading your video to be easier. CLYDE ARNOLD - EDITOR BITS N' BYTES BBS