V.32 Modems. How fast are they? In Today's modem market when you purchase this device you can pretty much garantee that it will work with just about any other modem that supports the same speed. But these days might be over, at least for a while. As the CCITT standards body dukes it out over speed of the next generation of modems called V.fast, the two companies that make the chips have forged ahead without a common standard. By the end of the year it is said that AT&T and a company called Rockwell will offer modems that outrun anything currently available. So when you go out and purchase that modem you'll have to pick sides. These speeds that were talking about are reaching 19.2 Kbps. From all the articles in which we have read AT&T is following the specs of CCITT while Rockwell will come out with a modem that will NOT comply with the CCITT Standards. It looks like companies such as USR and UDS Motorola are expected to offer nonstandard 19.2 modems as well. This brings us back to the old days when nothing was compatible. What are we to do. My opinion is to stay at 14.4 till someone makes up their minds. CLYDE ARNOLD - EDITOR BITS N' BYTES BBS