VERSION NUMBERING. HOW NOT TO GET CONFUSED. Three usually comes after two but upgrading software may mean jumping from version 2 to version 7. It seems that everyone's jumping into the act. It seems that everyone that deals with windows are seeing some of this also. Software firms are trying to keep their version numbers the same. Whether its DOS or Windows. They want the same versions. Have you looked at the ads for the new Lotus 1-2-3. If you want to upgrade from Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows 1.0 you will be going to Version 4.0. They are catching up to their DOS Version. So what happens to the versions between 1 and 4. Nothing since they were never created. Your going to be seeing more of this. Once everyone catches up I think the confusion will be minimal. Are we happy that everyone's doing this. In my opinion I don't think it matters all that much just as long as we all get the version thats the most up to date. CLYDE ARNOLD - EDITOR BITS N' BYTES BBS