The Frugal Hacker Bob Stephan hacker n A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary. (The "New Hacker's Dictionary", MIT Press, 1991.) BACK TO BATCH. I keep getting distracted from my main purpose of discussing the "Out of environment space" problem that can arise when trying to run batch files that create useful Environment variables. This month I will be able to include another installment. To recap, when a secondary copy of the command processor (usually COMMAND.COM) is invoked, the Environment block is shrunk down to a minimum size by MS-DOS. This usually happens when you run batch files from one of the many menu or shell programs such as PC Shell, Xtree, etc. Only the command processor knows how to run batch programs so in order for a menu or shell to run a batch program, it has to start up a copy of COMMAND.COM or another command processor such as 4DOS.COM. The environment space problem is almost entirely a problem of MS-DOS since other versions appear to be more intelligent. In my testing I have found that DR DOS appears to use the original size of the Environment block as the default size for secondary copies, and 4DOS is the best of all with a method to specify what you want as the default. If you use either DR DOS or 4DOS you probably don't need to worry about this problem if you have set your SHELL= command in CONFIG.SYS and/or your 4DOS parameters correctly. If you tried the last suggestion I made about modifying your COMSPEC variable to include /E:1024, you have probably found that it didn't always work, if it worked at all. This method depends on some intelligent parsing on the part of the program that "shells out" to DOS, i.e. invokes the secondary command processor. Not many programs or versions of DOS are prepared to deal with this method. If you happen to have the book "Harnessing DOS 6.0: Batch File and Command Macro Power" (Menefee & Anis, Bantam, 1993) that I review in this issue, there is a good dicussion of the problem and some suggested solutions beginning on page 288. If you want to get an advance start on some of the information and methods I will cover in this and subsequent columns, check out this book. USE A DUMMY. One of the considerations in deciding on the solution you want to use is whether the batch files will be run only on your personal computer, or if you might be programming them to run on other computers such as setting up systems for several computers in an office environment. If the batch files are for your personal use only, you have more options than if they might be operating in a DOS system that you cannot control. The simplest solution for your own system is to reserve the amount of Environment space you want to maintain with dummy variables. This is easily done by adding one or more SET commands to your AUTOEXEC.BAT, or to the batch file that starts your menu program. With each SET command you can reserve up to about 120 bytes of Environment space for future use. Your batch files can then clear out as much space as they need by simply deleting one or more of the dummy variables. To establish the dummy variables, you might want to create a separate batch file that can be called from other batch files as needed. Call the file SETDUM.BAT or whatever you want, and just include one or more statements such as SET DUMMY1=111111. . .11111, where the entire statement can be up to the DOS limit of 127 characters. If you think you need more than 120 bytes of free space, add a SET DUMMY2=222. . .222, etc. Then in your AUTOEXEC.BAT, or your batch file that starts your menu program, simply include the statement CALL SETDUM, using whatever name you have given to your version of the file. To free up the reserved space start your application batch files with the statement SET DUMMY1=. You can add more for DUMMY2 and others if needed. To avoid having to modify any of your existing batch files, and to make sure that the dummy variables are only cleared when needed, you can use another batch file. You might call this file RUNDUM.BAT, and its purpose will be to clear out the dummy variables and run your application batch file. RUNDUM.BAT will consist of two lines: SET DUMMY1= %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 Then, whenever you need to clear out the dummy variables before running your application batch file you enter: RUNDUM [yourbatch] [parameters] In particular, when you want to run a batch file from within your shell or menu program, you tell the shell or menu to use the above command. For example, if you set up a menu item to run MYPROG.BAT with a parameter of FILENAME.DOC, then you tell your menu to run RUNDUM MYPROG FILENAME.DOC. USING GET. My batch enhancer, GET.EXE, makes extensive use of the Environment block. If the "Out of environment space" problem is due to your use of GET, there is an even simpler method you can use. Instead of using some other name for your dummy variable use the name GET. In SETDUM.BAT you can use a statement such as SET GET=gggg. . .ggggg, where you can use up to 127 characters for the statement. The rest is automatic. When GET needs the Environment space, it will automatically clear out the GET variable and resuse the space. You will not need to change your menu items or create the RUNDUM.BAT file. A similar method might work with other programs that require free space in the Environment block. [To be continued] DEFINITIONS OF THE MONTH With apologies to Stan Kelly-Bootle, author ot The Devil's DP Dictionary, McGraw-Hill, 1981. There are three things a man must do Before his life is done; Write two lines in MS BATCH, And make the buggers run. Bob Stephan welcomes comments and questions that The Frugal Hacker can respond to. He can be reached on Internet (, NITELOG (408-655-1096), CRICKET (408-373-3773), Compu$erve (72357,2276), Plodigy (FNGC05A), or snail mail at the MBUG-PC address.