Would you like your BBS to be profiled in the next edition of PIM? Here's how to do it: 1) Load the file PIMSYSOP.TXT into an *ASCII* word processor or text editor and answer *all* of the questions therein. 2) Rename the file something unique - such as your name or your BBS's name - and call Sunlight Through The Shadows BBS. The number is (214) 620-8793 and it operates at speeds up to 38,400 BPS. LogOn as PIM SYSOP with the password PROFILE. Select "U" to upload your packet. Then select "G" to logoff. You're more than welcome to logon with your real name and answer the new user questionnaire and have immediate full access to the system. The above ID and password are supplied to enable you to get on and off as soon as possible, if you so choose to use it. Note: Aside from Inez Harrison and myself, noone else will have access to your uploaded packet. * OR * Alternately, send me, Joe DeRouen, a private message containing PIMSYSOP.TXT in the Poetry & Prose conference through TriBBS Net or in either the Poetry or Writers conference through Pen & Brush Net. * OR * Send the PIMSYSOP.TXT through the Use-Net E_Mail conference. Address it to jderouen@sdf.lonestar.org. * OR * Send me a private message containing PIMSYSOP.TXT through RIME's Poetry Corner conference. (->SUNLIGHT) We'll feature at least one profile per issue. If yours isn't selected for the current issue, it could be for the issue after that. Feel free to update your profile (going through Steps 1 - 2 again) when and if the situation warrants it. Note: For your best chance of being profiled in the current issue, make sure you get the PIMFORM.TXT to me by the 20th of the month.