FREE HARD DRIVE! Here's a neat little batch file that can save you LOTS of disk space! By now, you should all have the latest version of PKZIP. Most of us use it only for BBS files. However, you can use it to store programs that you use every day as well. Let's say we want to compress a program like Qmodem. It sits in a directory called QMODEM, and is started with the command QMODEM. Instead of changing to that directory and starting the program in the usual way, try this .BAT file. Name it QMODEM.BAT and call it from your menu or command line. CD\QMODEM PKUNZIP QMODEM QMODEM PKZIP -ex QMODEM *.* -mu This is how it works: Line 1 moves to the QMODEM directory. Line 2 tells it to UNZIP QMODEM.ZIP. Line 3 executes the program. Line 4 is where the work is done. The -ex switch tells PKZIP to use maximum compression. In this example, QMODEM would be the name of the ZIP file that is created. The *.* means of course all files in the directory will be compressed, but the secret behind this batch file is the -mu switch. The "u" tells it to UPDATE the existing .ZIP file and the "m" moves (deletes) all files in the directory except QMODEM.ZIP. So, if any files were changed, they would be replaced in QMODEM.ZIP. This one little batch file saved me over 600k of disk space! Try it out youself and see how well it works. It will slow loading time a bit depending on what kind of computer you have, but you may find that the added time is well worth the additional disk space, especially on programs that are rarely used. It's almost like getting another hard drive for free!