NOTEWORTHY CHANGES IN ACES OVER EUROPE FROM AOTP GRAPHICS Tall-Res: Tall Res mode has been aded to smooth the curves of wings, canopies, etc. Shading: Gradient shading has been added to aircraft exteriors. Flight Position Markings: Numbers will mark the position of aircraft within the squadron. This should help you figure out which pilot is likely to be the best. Squadron Markings: Each squadron has it's own color markings on its aircraft. Hit "Sparkle": Gun rounds will make flashes as they hit enemy aircraft. Animations Added To Shell In Career: Periodic animations will be shown as a career progresses. Aircraft Fade In Distance: Instead of just winking out, air- craft will fade away as they get further away. VIEW VEHICLE Rotate Up/Down In View: Views of vehicles can now be rotated up/down. Sats: The description of the vehicles has now been added to View Vehicles. This includes statistics such as armament, crew, etc. Improved Background Art: The background art on the View Vehicles screen is much improved. FLIGHT MODEL Mass Affects Top Speed: Mass now more directly effects the performance of the aircraft. Spins: Spins are now modelled in the sim. This is probably the most asked-for feature missing from AOTP. Stall Speeds Vary By Plane Type: Stall speeds will now be dependent on aircraft type. Ceiling Cap Now Effective: Sircraft ceilings work properly. NPC aircraft will no longer pursue the player beyond their ceiling. Stalls Are More Dangerous: Stalls will vary more in severity and difficulty of recovery. G-Force Induced Engine Stalls: Planes with gravity-feed carburetors (such as the Spitfire) will experience engine stalls with negative Gs. Flaps And Gear Will Be Damaged At High Speeds: High speed damage to gear and flaps will effect the performance of the aircraft. NEW SINGLE MISSIONS Interdiction: Attack critical ground targets and expect heavy resistance. Close Support: Support ground troops by destroying vehicles and tactical targets. Crossbow: Destroy enemy V-1 and radar sites. Improved Scramble Mission: The scramble missions should now be much more exciting. The goal will now be to survive. Enemy bombers will be right on top of your base. FLIGHT MAP Zoomable Map: The flight map will now zoom to show a more detailed view of your path. Target Info: Target info will now be available from the map. Bigger Map Area On Screen: The map has no frame and is larger and more easily read. EVENTS Greasemonkey Events: Rumors will come from your mechanic. Teletype Events: Official information will come hot off the teletype. SCORING Scoring Cap Removed: There is no longer a top possible score for missions. No Points Awarded For Targets Destroyed With Ordinance In Excess Of Ordinance Limits: If you are playing with unlimited ordinance, you will not get points for use of ordinance in excess of the standard load. No Scoring For Aborted Missions: You no longer get points if you ESC out of a mission without completing mission goals. Chance Of Friendlies Being Destroyed In Aborted Missions: If you abort a mission you may lose some of the friendly aircraft. Ground Targets Hit With Bullets Count As Tallies: Attacking ground targets with guns now counts toward strike tallies. There are now attackable ground vehicles, including tanks and trucks. USER INTERFACE Double-Clicking Items In Scroll Boxes Selects Item: Using the mouse to double-click will serve the same function as clicking the select button. Realism Panel Is Now Available From Other Options Menu: There is now one, consistent realism panel shared by both career and single missions. It will be available from the Other Options, in addition to the briefing and sim. MISCELLANEOUS New Keys For Using VCR: When the control panel is hidden -- S starts/ stops VCR running, keypad + does a fram advance. Menus Can Be Hidden: In order to view full-screen artwork, some of the menus can be hidden by pressing B. New Weapons: R4M rocket and Gr. 21 mortar rocket have beedn added. Radio Messages Have Been Improved: Messages will be clarified. Player Can Select Arbitrary Targets For Attack By His Squadron: You can now order your flight to attack targets of opportunity. NEW PLANE TYPES German: Bf-109 (G & K), FW-190 (A, D & F), Arado 234B, Me-262, Ju-88. British: Hawker Typhoon 1B, Hawker Tempest V, DeHaviland Mosquito VI & XVIII, Supermarine Spitfire IX & XIV. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE