A R B O R D A Y F A L L D R I V E DID YOU KNOW THAT FALL, NOT SPRING, IS THE BEST TIME OF YEAR TO PLANT TREES AND SHRUBS ? THE COLD WEATHER STIMULATES VIGOROUS ROOT GROWTH FOR THE PLANT TO SURVIVE WINTER; THERE'S NO SUCH NEED FOR SPEED IN SPRING WHEN THEY CAN GROW AT THEIR LEISURE. THAT'S WHY WE STARTED THE ARBOR DAY FALL DRIVE, TO PROMOTE THE PLANTING OF TREES ACROSS AMERICA. TREES HELP REDUCE THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT, LOWER TEMPER- ATURES, AND REDUCE COOLING BILLS. TREES ABSORB CARBON DIOXIDE AND LOCK IT UP IN THEIR TISSUES. THEIR SHADE LOWERS THE AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE, MAKING IT MORE COMFORTABLE OUTDOORS - AS WELL AS FOR THE GRASS, WHICH AS YOU KNOW SO EASILY BURNS. TREES ARE MOSTLY WATER, AND WATER ABSORBS A L O T OF HEAT. STRATIEGECTLY PLACED TREES DRASTICALLY REDUCE AIR CONDITIONING BILLS BY SHADING THE SUMMER'S HOT SUN. ANOTHER THING THEY DO IS RAISE YOUR PROPERTY VALUES!!! MATURE, TALL TREES ADD THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF VALUE AND A STATELY ATMOSPHERE TO YOUR HOME. TREES WITH TALL CLEAR TRUNKS OF AT LEAST 40 OR 50 FEET BEFORE BRANCHING OUT ARE T H E MOST V A L U A B L E . SO PLEASE, SHOP THIS CATALOG AND ORDER WHAT YOU LIKE. AS A SPECIAL THANK-YOU, WE WILL SEND YOU -2- SUGAR MAPLE TREES ABSOLUTLY FREE WITH ANY ORDER AT ALL!! =============================================================================== -CATALOG- =============================================================================== SUGAR MAPLE: The Sugar Maple is a landscape standout. Medium to dark green leaves turn yellow, burnt orange, or red in fall, stunning color. Likes a well drained, moderately moist fertile soil. Do not plant in confined areas or where salt is a problem. Grows to 60 to 75 feet, 45' spread. Zones 3-8. Price: $9.00 4-6' shipping size =============================================================================== SILVER MAPLE: Very fast growing, several feet per year. The leaves are green on top and silvery-white underneath, shimmering and dancing in the slightest breeze. Bark is also silvery. Tolerates a wide range of conditions. Plant where you have plenty of space, at least 10' from sidewalk or drive. Grows to 50 to 80 feet, 50' spread. Zones 3-9. Price: $6.50 4-6' =============================================================================== RED MAPLE: The Red Maple brings color to the home landscape year-round. Green stems turn red in fall, new leaves are red tinged, turning to green. Fall color is deep red, yellow, or yellow-green. Flowers and fruits are also red. Fast growing and tolerant of many soils. Grows to 40 to 60 feet, 40' spread. Zones 3-9. Price: $9.00 4-6' =============================================================================== LIVE OAK: This magnificent broadleaf evergreen tree will be a pictuesque addition to your landscape. It grows fapidly when young and may live to be centuries old. Adapts to almost any soil type. Live Oaks can be used as street trees, toler- ant of salt spray. Grows to 40 to 80 feet, 80' spread. Zones 8-10. Price: Discontinued 1-2' Can't ship to FL, OR, or LA. =============================================================================== BUR OAK: The Bur Oak, tolerant of a wide variety of moisture and soil conditions, adapts well to urban settings. Develops stout branches. Leaves have rounded edges and come in a wide variety of shapes. Its fringed acorns are food for wildlife. A very long-lived tree. Prefers full sun. Grows to 70 to 80 feet, 80' spread. Zones 2-8. Price: $8.00 3-4' Can't ship to FL, OR, or LA. =============================================================================== SCARLET OAK: Named for its brilliant fall color, the Scarlet Oak is fast growing and tol- erates a wide range of soils. Leaves are grassy green on top, yellow green below, and scarlet in fall. Crown is open and rounded, providing light shade. Grows to 70 to 75 feet, 45' spread. Zones 4-9. Price: $8.00 3-5' Can't ship to FL, OR, or LA. =============================================================================== PIN OAK: The Pin Oak's distinctive shape gives it great landscape appeal. Pyramidal through early maturity, its form turns more oval in older age. Fast growing, prefers moist, acid soils, likes full sun. Glossy dark green leaves turn russet, bronze, or red. Along with the Red Oak, the Pin Oak is America's favorite Oak. Grows to 60-70 feet, 35' spread. Zones 4-8. Price: $8.00 3-5' Can't ship to FL, OR, or LA. =============================================================================== RED OAK: The Red Oak's bristle-tipped leaves turn red in the fall, then mellow to brown. The leaves have 7 to 11 waxy lobes. A good street tree, it tolerates pollution and compacted soil. Grows quickly, as much as 2 feet a year for ten years. Grows to 60 to 75 feet, 45' spread. Zones 4-8. Price: $8.00 3-4' Can't ship to FL, OR, or LA. =============================================================================== WILLOW OAK: A handsome oak with willow-like leaves. Folliage is bright green in summer and yellow, yellow-brown, and russet in fall. Relatively fast growing, it tolerates poorly drained soils. Prefers full sun and acid soil. Grows to 40 to 60 feet, 35' spread. Zones 5-9. Price: $8.00 3-4' Can't ship to FL, OR, or LA. =============================================================================== SWEETGUM: Deep glossy green star shaped leaves mark the Sweetgum. Turning yellow-purple- red in fall, they stay on the tree quite late. Shape is a neat pyramid, be- coming more rounded with age. Avoid polluted sites. Grows to 60 to 75 feet, 45' spread. Zones 5-9. Price: $9.00 4-6' =============================================================================== TULIP POPLAR: A fast-growing tree with many desirable features. Bright green leaves, resem- bling tulip flowers in profile, turn golden-yellow in fall. Greenish yellow flowers are carried high in the tree. Stems are aromatic. One of North America's most massive hardwoods, eclipsing even oaks, it needs a large area. Likes fun sun. Grows to 70 to 90 feet, 40' spread. Zones 4-9. Price: $8.00 4-6' =============================================================================== THORNLESS HONEYLOCUST: A fast-growing tree with fragrant spring flowers. Its open, delicate sil- houette lets grass grow well underneath. Tiny leaflets turn yellow or yellow- green in fall. Pollution, salt, and drought tolerant. Adapts to a wide range of soils. Prefers full sun. Grows to 30 to 70 feet, 50' spread. Zones 3-9. Price: $6.00 2-3' =============================================================================== RIVER BIRCH: The cinnamon-colored, exfoliating bark of the River Birch is spectacular in winter. Lustrous, medium-green leaves. Most borer resistant birch. Tolerant of both wet and dry soils and dry summers. Avoid very alkaline soils. Grows to 40 to 70 feet, 50' spread. Zones 4-9. Price: $9.00 4-6' =============================================================================== WHITE BIRCH: The chalky-white bark is the outstanding feature of the White Birch. Forms huge, upward pointing pendulous branches with age. Does best in full sun and well drained, acid, moist, sandy or silty loam soil. Grows to 40 to 50 feet, 25' spread. Zones 2-7. Price: $9.00 4-6' =============================================================================== LITTLELEAF LINDEN: Small heart shaped leaves and fragrant spring flowers are hallmarks of the Littleleaf Linden. Leaves are dark, shiny green, turning yellow in fall. Can be pruned into a hedge. Likes full sun, moist well drained, fertile soils. Tolerates pollution. Grows to 60 to 70 feet, 40' spread. Zones 3-7. Price: $8.00 2-3' =============================================================================== LOMBARDY BLACK POPLAR: An upright, rapid growing favorite, the Lombardy Black Poplar is known for its narrow silhouette. Twigs are orange, turning to gray. Creates landscape impact quickly. Good choice when you need a screen in a hurry or a farm wind- break. Grows to 70 to 90 feet, 15' spread. Zones 3-9. Price: $5.00 3-5' =============================================================================== HYBRID POPLAR: A very fast-growing tree, up to 5-8' per year. Has silvery-green leaves and broad shade tree shape. Usually planted for very fast shade, or can be har- vested for firewood in 5-7 years. Grows to 40 to 50 feet, 30'spread. Zones 3-9. Price: $6.00 2-3' =============================================================================== GREEN ASH: Hardy and fast growing, the Green Ash prospers under most conditions. Lance- shaped leaflets are a lustrous medium to dark green, turning yellow in fall. Crown is densely rounded or irregular, leaf stems are velvety. Flowers resemble Forsythia flowers. Used for many landscape purposes. Grows to 50 to 60 feet, 25' spread. Zones 3-9. Price: $8.50 4-6' =============================================================================== HACKBERRY: Tolerant of a wide range of conditions, the Hackberry is a good landscape choice. Grows to a broad crown with arching branches, not unlike the American Elm. Well suited to urban settings, it withstands wind and city grime. One tough tree. Grows to 40 to 70 feet, 50' spread. Zones 2-9. Price: $6.00 3-4' =============================================================================== LONDON PLANETREE: A fast-growing tree with mottled bark. Red-brown scales flake to show cream colored inner bark making it a winter standout. Large distinctive leaves with lighter undersides. Similar to the Sycamore. Resistant to anthracnose, a tree killing disease. Crown is wide spreading and open. Grows to 70 to 100 feet, 80' spread. Zones 4-9. Price: $8.50 4-6' =============================================================================== SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA: Large creamy-white and very fragrant flowers grace this stately broadleaf ever- green in late spring and early summer. Leaves are shiny bright green, reddish underneath, nice in autumn bouquets. Reminiscent of the Old South. Protect from winter winds and sun in northern areas. Grows to 60 to 80 feet, 40' spread. Zones 6-9. Price: $5.00 «-1' =============================================================================== DAWN REDWOOD: An ancient tree, the Dawn Redwood new the dinosaurs, but is well suited to modern landscape plantings. Likes full sun, is easily transplanted, rarely needs pruning. Deciduous. Prefers moist deep, well-drained soils. Needs a large area, fast growing. Grows to 70 to 100 feet, 25' spread. Zones 4-8. Price: $8.00 «-1' =============================================================================== BALDCYPRESS: A stately deciduous conifer adaptable to wet or dry conditions. Grows to be- come a lofty picturesque specimen. Although best known in wet areas, does well in city conditions as far north as Milwaukee. "Cypress knees" occur only near water. Prefers acid soils. Grows to 50 to 70 feet, 25'. Zones 4-10. Price: $6.00 2-3' =============================================================================== AMERICAN BEECH: A very formal and stately tree. Often seen flanking large homes and mansions. Leaves emerge in late spring, changing from shimmering green to lustrous dark green to golden bronze in the fall. Smooth bark. Plant in well drained aerated soil. Grows to 50 to 70 feet, 40' spread. Zones 3-9. Price: Discontinued 2-3' =============================================================================== WEEPING WILLOW: Graceful and refined, the Weeping Willow is easily recognized by its open crown and ground sweeping branches. Leaves are light green above, grayish- green beneath. They come in early spring and stay late in autumn. Another tree reminiscent of the Old South. This willow grows especially well near water. Grows to 30 to 40 feet, 35' spread. Zones 5-10. Price: $8.50 4-6' =============================================================================== CARPATHIAN ENGLISH WALNUT: Can be planted as a nut bearing landscape tree. Tasty nuts are thin shelled and easy to open. Tree's crown is rounded, spreading, and open. Prefers deep, dry, light, loamy soils. Avoid wet or poor subsoil. Grows to 40 to 60 feet, 50' spread. Zones 5-8. Price: $17.00 2-3' Can't ship to NM, MS, or TX. =============================================================================== BLACK WALNUT: Prized for its tasty nuts and the attractive hardwood of mature trees, the bark has an interesting diamond pattern. Fragrant stems, nuts, and leaves. Likes deep, rich, well drained soil. Grows more slowly in drier soils. Grows to 50 to 70 feet, 60' spread. Zones 4-8. Price: $8.50 3-5' Can't ship to NM, MS, or TX. =============================================================================== PECAN: A member of the Hickory family, the tall staight symetrical shape of the Pecan makes it an interesting ornamental as well as nut tree. Tiny greenish flowers appear in spring, leaflets turn yellow in fall. One of North America's most massive deciduous trees. Needs moist, well drained loamy soil. Plant two trees for pollination. Grows to 70 to 100 feet, 55' spread. Zones 5-9. Price: $8.50 2-3' Can't ship to NM, MS, or TX. =============================================================================== SHELLBARK HICKORY: A high branching tree with rough, shaggy, flat plates on the trunk. Large brown nuts are round, thick shelled, and sweet. Native to bottomlands, it needs moist soil. One of North America's most massive hardwoods. Grows to 60 to 80 feet, 40' spread. Zones 5-8. Price: $8.00 2-3' Can't ship to NM, MS, or TX. =============================================================================== CHINESE CHESNUT: A nut tree and a shade tree. Sweet flavored nuts in four or five years. Prefers acid well drained loamy soils. Does well in hot dry climates. Re- sistant to the blight which decimated the species in years past. Help repop- ulate this stately tree. Plant two trees for pollination. Grows to 40 to 60 feet, 50' spread. Zones 4-8. Price: $8.00 3-5' Can't ship to FL, OR, NM, or LA. =============================================================================== BUTTERNUT: Also known as the White Walnut, the Butternut has distinctive ridged and furrowed bark. It produces drooping clusters of sweet nuts which are used in baking. Prefers moist soils. Plant two trees for pollination. Grows to 40 to 60 feet, 40' spread. Zones 3-7. Price: $11.00 3-5' Can't ship to NM. =============================================================================== NORWAY SPRUCE: Fastest growing of the spruces. Develops strong graceful branches that are covered with dark green needles. Ideal windbreaker. Matures at 60 feet, 25' spread; often grows to 125'. Zones 2-8. Price: $2.50 «-1' =============================================================================== WHITE SPRUCE: A straight, tall tree easily recognized by its needles. Cones always hang down. Beautiful year-round color. Tolerates most soil conditions. May grow to 75 feet and 2' in diameter, 15' spread. Zones 2-7. Price: $2.50 «-1' =============================================================================== COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE: A magnificent sight of silver blue-green. Rated one of the most popular ever- greens. It grows well while young and matures at 50-75 feet, often growing to 100' and a 25' spread. Zones 2-8. Price: $2.50 «-1' =============================================================================== WHITE PINE: A hardy and valuable tree. Soft blue-green needles in a cluster. Ideal or a windbreak. Likes light, moist, well-drained soils. Grows to 80 to 100 feet, 40' spread. Zones 3-8. Price: $2.50 «-1' Can't ship to ID, MT, NV, OR, or UT. =============================================================================== DEODAR CEDAR: An excellent evergreen with graceful pendulous branches. Pyramidal form when young, wide spreading and flat topped in older age. A true cedar. Grows to 75 to 100 feet, 25' spread. Zones 7-9. Price: $4.00 «-1' =============================================================================== DOUGLAS FIR: This magnificent specimen has a rounded shape and a straight, often clear, trunk. This tree is prized as an ornamental, as a Christmas Tree, and for reforestation. Prefers sun or light shade. Matures at 50 feet, grows to 100 to 130' and under ideal conditions to 250' in deep, moist, Pacific soils. Price: $2.50 «-1' =============================================================================== WHITE FIR: This rapid growing White (or Concolor) Fir has light-colored bark and silver blue-green needles. Tolerates most soils and drought. Matures at 50 feet and grows to 125 to 150'. Zones 3-7. Price: $2.50 «-1' =============================================================================== =============================================================================== -CONDITIONS- Hardiness zones (Zones 3-7; etc.) indicated for each tree are the U.S. Dep. of Agriculture climate hardiness zones. If a tree is 'hardy' in a particular zone, it can be expected to grow well in that zone's temperature extremes. These zones do not take into account local variations in climate such as winds, moisture, or soils that are unique to an area. Consult an encyclapedia or your local park board for your zone. It is entirely possible that an area included in, say, zone 5 could have a local climate closer to zone 4 or zone 6. Special care of a tree may allow it to thrive outside its normal zone span, depending on the species. To be sure your trees arrive in a healthy state, we ship only bare-root nursery stock while it is dormant in the fall and spring. Fall shipments are made between Oct. 15 and Dec. 10. We have to wait until there are a few kill- ing frosts so that the trees go dormant. In the fall, trees can be planted until the ground is frozen solid. Spring shipments are made from Feb. 1 to late spring. They can be planted as soon as the frost is out of the ground. Your trees will be shipped according to your local climate and this year's weather. BE SURE to follow the PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS included with your trees. Each tree is guaranteed to grow, or the Foundation will replace it at half price plus S&H. Sorry, but we can't ship any trees to AK, AZ, CA, or HI. The National Arbor Day Foundation puts out a full color catalog. Each catalog costs $2.00 . You may order them with the order form below. =============================================================================== -ORDER FORM- TREE | QTY. | PRICE | TOTAL | ------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | ------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | ------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | ------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | ------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | ------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | ------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | ------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | ------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | ------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | ------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| SUGAR MAPLE | 2 | 0.00 | FREE | ------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| SUBTOTAL | | |-------| S & H | $3.50 | |-------| { } = Please send my trees NE RESIDENTS ADD APPL. SALES TAX | | immeadiately this fall |-------| ADD'L CONTRIBUTION - OPTIOINAL | | { } = Please send my trees |-------| in spring TOTAL ENCLOSED | | |-------| enclose cash, check, or money order payable to The National Arbor Day Foundation SHIP TO: NAME: _________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________ CITY, STATE: __________________________________ ZIP: __________ PHONE: ________________________________________ Send your order to: Arbor Day Fall Drive 3669 Boudinot Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45211